Jens Drolshammer was born in Switzerland in 1944 as a Swiss citizen of Norwegian and German descent. He studied Law at the University of Zurich (1964-1968). He studied in the Année d’Etudes Supérieures, University of Geneva, at the Institute for International Affairs of the University of Geneva and the Hague Academy of International Law (1969-1970).
Author Archives: DikeAdmin
Johann Caspar Bluntschli
Johann Caspar Bluntschli was born in Zurich in 1808 into a traditional and reasonably well-off family, who owned a candle and soap factory. After being schooled in Zurich, he moved to Berlin and Bonn in order to complete his law studies and earn his doctorate degree. Here, he was taught by Friedrich Carl von Savigny, who exposed him to the German historicist school of thought, an approach that would have an important impact on Bluntschli’s own works and teachings.
Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a British Conservative politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. Widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the century, he served as Prime Minister twice (1940–45 and 1951–55). A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer and an artist. He is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
Denis de Rougemont
Denis de Rougemont was a writer, journalist and a staunch advocate for European Federalism (cit from Benedikt von Tscharner, Statesmen Diplomats, Political Thinkers, Pregny-Gereva, 2012, p. 307-315). (The editor expresses his gratefulness to the author for the permission to reprint this portrait).
Heinrich Schneider
Heinrich Schneider studied political science and sociology in Cleveland (Ohio). He obtained his Doctor Phil. at the University of Munich. He is an Emerite Professor for Political Science at the University of Vienna.
Alfred Kölz
Alfred Kölz went to school at the high school in the city of Solothurn. After his matura, he began to study chemical engineering at the Swiss Institute of Technology. After two semesters, he changed to law at the Universities of Zurich and Berne. In 1973 he received his doctoral degree with a thesis “Prozessmaximen im Schweizerischen Verwaltungsrecht”.
Peter Häberle
Peter Häberle studied law at the Universities of Tübingen, Bonn, Freiburg/Breisgau and Montpellier. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1961 with Professor Konrad Hesse in Freiburg/Breisgau. His dissertation “Die Wesensgehaltgarantie des Art. 19 Abs. 2 Grundgesetz” (1962, 3rd edition 1983) was widely recognized and discussed in the scientific community. He habilitated with a study Grundrechts-dogmatische Thesen in Freiburg/Breisgau, Topos Öeffentliches Interesse als juristisches Problem (Public interest as a legal problem), 2nd edition.
Daniel Thürer
Daniel Thürer received his legal education at the Universities of Zurich, St. Gallen, Geneva, Cambridge, the Max Planck Institute of Public International Law and Comparative Public Law (Heidelberg) and the Harvard Law School. He has been Professor of Public International, European, Swiss and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich from 1983 until July 2010.
Matthias Oesch
Matthias Oesch is a chaired Professor at the University of Zurich in the areas of European and International Economic Public Law and was an associate in an international commercial law firm in Zurich. He studied at the University of Berne. He obtained his LL.M-law degree and passed the bar exam. He obtained his doctorate degree (summa cum laude) at the University of Berne with the topic Standards of Review in WTO Dispute Resolution (Oxford University Press, 2003).
Olivier Jacot-Guillarmod
Olivier Jacot-Guillarmod was a prominent international lawyer, a vice-director for internal affairs of the Federal Office of Justice, a law professor in Neuchâtel and a representative of Switzerland at the European Court of Human Rights and at the Council of Europe and a Justice on the Swiss Federal Tribunal.
Thomas Probst
Thomas Probst is a Professor for Contracts, Private European and Comparative Law at the University of Fribourg since 2006.
Franz Werro
Franz Werro is a teacher and researcher in various fields of private law, including the law of obligations, European private law and comparative law at the University of Fribourg and the Georgetown University Law Center. He has been a visiting professor at Cornell Law School (Ithaca, NY), the Universita degli Studi di Trieste, the Scuola Superiore Santa Anna (Pisa), and at the universities of Geneva, Lausanne, Pau and Bordeaux. He has also been teaching for a number of years in the Tulane Summer Law Program in Paris.
Michael Pfeifer
Michael Pfeifer is a senior partner of the international commercial law firm VISCHER in Basel and Zurich and a lecturer on company law at the University of St. Gallen and Basel. He studied law at the University of Basel and obtained his doctoral degree in 1978. He carried out additional studies at the University of Berlin and the University of St. Gallen, where he obtained an M.B.L in 1996.
Fritz Ernst
Fritz Ernst was born in 1889 in Winterthur and died on in 1958 in Zurich. He was a Swiss literary scholar and an essayist. Ernst studied German language and literature in Berlin and Zurich. In 1915 he received his doctoral degree with a dissertation on Romantic irony. From 1917 to 1947 he worked as a high school teacher at the girls’ school in Zurich. From 1943 he was Professor of Literary History at the Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and from 1948 as Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Zurich.
Karl Schmid
Karl Schmid, who was born in Zurich on the 31st January 1907 and died on the 4th August 1974. He was a Swiss philologist, Germanist and literary scholar. He studied German and history at the University of Zurich and the Humboldt University of Berlin from 1926 to 1934. In 1934 he received his doctoral degree with Emil Ermatinger. In the years from 1931 to 1938 he worked as a high school teacher. From 1938 to 1947 he was a teacher of German and history at the Gymnasium of the Canton of Zurich.
Herbert Lüthy
Herbert Lüthy was a Swiss historian and author. He belongs with Carl Jacob Burckhardt, Jean Rudolf von Salis and Karl Schmid to the prominent personalities of intellectual life in the German speaking part of Switzerland in the second half of the twentieth century.
Peter von Matt
Peter von Matt is an Emerite Professor of German literature at the University of Zurich. From 1957 to 1964 he studied German, anglistics and the history of art in Zurich. After graduation he worked as a teacher in the Gymnasium in Lucerne up until 1967.
Wolf Linder
Wolf Linder studied english, political science and, in particular, law from 1963 to 1968. He worked as a lawyer in law firms, courts and administrative authorities from 1968 to 1970. From 1969 to 1975, he studied political science and wrote his dissertation at the University of Konstanz.
Bruno Frey
Bruno S. Frey was born in Basel, Switzerland in 1941. He was Professor of Economics at the University of Constance from 1970-1977, and Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich from 1977-2012.
2.36 Die falsch konzipierte Europäische Einigung
Bruno S. Frey, Experimentierfreudiges Europa, Schweizer Monat, Juni 2013, Ausgabe 1007, p. 64-68
2.35 Vom Zustand der Republik
Wolf Linder, Vom Zustand der Republik, Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, 2010, p. 67-87; leicht überarbeitete Abschiedsvorlesung des Autors an der Universtität Bern vom 5. November 2009
2.34 Die Schweiz zwischen Ursprung und Fortschritt
Peter von Matt, Die Schweiz zwischen Ursprung und Fortschritt, Zur Seelengeschichte einer Nation, in Das Kalb von der Gotthardpost, zur Literatur und Politik der Schweiz, München 2012, S. 9-93
2.32 Die Schweiz als Anthithese
Herbert Lüthy, Die Schweiz als Antithese, mit einem Nachwort des Verfassers, Zürich 1969, ursprünglich in französischer Sprache geschrieben, „La Suisse à contre-courant“, in Revue Economique Franco-Suisse 1961; in deutscher Sprache erstmals in Herbert Lüthy „Nach dem Untergang des Abendlandes“, Zeitkritische Essays, Köln 1964, p. 1-55
2.31 Die Schweiz vor der europäischen Wirklichkeit
Karl Schmid, Die Schweiz vor der europäischen Wirklichkeit, Referat gehalten am schweizerischen Gewerbekongress vom 8./9. Mai 1968 in Zürich, in Die Schweiz zwischen Tradition und Zukunft, Ansprachen und Aufsätze aus 25 Jahren, Schaffhausen/Stäfa 1991, p. 55-72
2.30 European Switzerland, Historically considered
Fritz Ernst, European Switzerland, Historically considered, Zurich 1951, p. 1-72
2.29 Stellungnahme über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen
Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, Stellungnahme über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen, erstattet an den schweizerischen Bundesrat vom 29. Juni 2011 p. 1-4
2.28 Gutachten über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen
Daniel Thürer, Gutachten über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen, erstattet an den schweizerischen Bundesrat am 7. Juli 2011, together with Prof. Thomas Burri. P. 1-43
2.26 The International Practice of Law: The Swiss Experience
Jens Drolshammer / Michael Pfeifer, The International Practice of Law: The Swiss Experience, in Tulane European & Civil Law Forum, Volume 14, 1999, p. 66-99
2.25 Vers un Code européen des contrats?
Franz Werro, Vers un Code européen des contrats?, in François Bellanger et al eds., in Le contrat dans tous ses états, Berne, 2004, p. 341-357 (in French) [The European Legal Code of Contract ?]
2.24 Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes als neue Herausforderung für die Praxis und die Wissenschaft
Thomas Probst, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes als neue Herausforderung für die Praxis und die Wissenschaft im Schweizerischen Privatrecht, in Basler Juristische Mitteilungen, 2004, p. 225-260
2.23 Judgement of the first civil law division in the case «Oeffentliche Arbeitslosenkasse»
Swiss Federal Tribunal, Judgement of the first civil law division in the case „Öffentliche Arbeitslosenkasse des Kantons Solothurn vs. Metallbau X GmbH“ 4C.316/2002 on March 25th 2003 (BGE 129 III 335)
2.22 Le Juge national face au droit européen
Olivier Jacot-Guillarmod, Le Juge national face au droit européen, Perspective Suisse et communautaire, excerpt : Chapitre 1, Introduction p. 23-32, Frankfurt, Bruselles, 1993
2.17 Europäische Integration: Herausforderung durch eine sich wandelnde Rechtskultur
Daniel Thürer, „Europäische Integration: Herausforderung durch eine sich wandelnde Rechtskultur“, Europarecht, 1999, p. 2-7
2.16 Kolumne: Von der sog. «Europaverträglichkeit»
Daniel Thürer, „Kolumne: Von der sog. „Europaverträglichkeit“: Rechtsgestaltungsprinzip aus Verlegenheit oder Vehikel zur stillen Revolutionierung der Schweizerischen Rechtsordnung?, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 1993 II, p. 91-94
2.19 Die Europäisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts
Matthias Oesch, Die Europäisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts, in Die Eurokompatibilität des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrechts: Konvergenz und Divergenz, Thomas Cottier ed., Basle, Geneva, 2012, p. 13 – 100
E_2.19_OESCH_Europäiserung des Schweizerischen Rechts_ZSR_2012
2.8 Deliberative Demokratie und Abstimmungsdemokratie
Daniel Thürer, Deliberative Demokratie und Abstimmungsdemokratie, Zur Idee der demokratischen Gerechtigkeit im europäisch-staatlichen Spannungsfeld in Daniel Thürer, Kosmopolitisches Staatsrecht, Grundidee Gerechtigkeit, Band 1, Zürich/St. Gallen 2005
2.7 «Werkstatt Schweiz»: Verfassungspolitik im Blick auf das künftige Gesamt Europa
Peter Häberle, „Werkstatt Schweiz“: Verfassungspolitik im Blick auf das künftige Gesamt Europa, in Europäische Rechtskultur, Baden Baden, 1994 p. 355-364
2.6 Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte
Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien in Bund und Kantone seit 1848, Bern 2004, excerpt: Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte als Quelle von Anregungen für die Zukunft Europas?, p. 921-930
2.5 Eidgenossenschaft – Vorbild und Leitbild für die Einigung Europas?
Heinrich Schneider, Eidgenossenschaft – Vorbild und Leitbild für die Einigung Europas? In Thomas Cottier, Rachel Liechti – McKey, Die Schweiz und Europa, wirtschaftliche Integration und Institutionelle Abstinenz, Zürich, 2010, p. 107 ff.
2.4 Die Schweiz, Modell Europas
Denis de Rougemont, Die Schweiz, Modell Europas, Der Schweizerische Bund als Vorbild für eine europäische Föderation, 2. Auf, Wien, München, 1965, excerpt 4. Teil, Die Schweiz im künftigen Europa, p. 229-258 (La Suisse au l’histoire d’un peuple heureux, version original) (German translation of French original)
2.3 Speech to the academic youth in Zurich
Winston Churchill, Speech to the academic youth in Zurich, September 1946
2.2 The Hertensteiner Programme
The Hertensteiner Programme of 22. September 1946 of the Union Européenne des Fédéralistes
2.1 Organisation des europäischen Staatenvereins
Johann Caspar Bluntschli – Organisation des europäischen Staatenvereins, Abschnitt aus Johann Caspar Bluntschli, Die Gegenwart, Band XII, Nr. 9, Paul Lindaulting, Berlin 1978
Biographies of authors
The biographies of authors are an important feature of Swiss legal culture, as represented in this primarily text based anthology. They are an essential and integral supplement to the texts.
The sources of the biographies are identified at the end of the text. Some biographies have been penned by the authors.
4.1 Johann Caspar Bluntschli
4.2 Winston Churchill
4.3 Denis de Rougemont
4.4 Heinrich Schneider
4.5 Alfred Kölz
4.6 Peter Häberle
4.7 Daniel Thürer
4.8 Henri Rieben
4.9 Dieter Freiburghaus
4.10 Pierre Du Bois
4.11 René Schwok
4.12 Matthias Oesch
4.13 Olivier Jacot-Guillarmod
4.14 Thomas Probst
4.15 Franz Werro
4.16 Jens Drolshammer
4.17 Michael Pfeifer
4.18 Fritz Ernst
4.19 Karl Schmid
4.20 Herbert Lüthy
4.21 Adolf Muschg
4.22 Peter von Matt
4.23 Wolf Linder
4.24 Bruno Frey
© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,
2.15 Europaverträglichkeit als Rechtsargument
Daniel Thürer, „Europaverträglichkeit als Rechtsargument, zu den Wegen und Möglichkeiten schweizerischer Rechtsanpassung an die neue Integrationsdynamik der Europäischen Gemeinschaften“, in Festschrift Dietrich Schindler zum 65. Geburtstag, Basel, Frankfurt am Main, 1989, p. 561-582