Author Archives: Raphael Fisch

Poverty, obligations and the international economic legal system

Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, ‘Poverty, Obligations, and the International Economic Legal System: What are our duties to the global poor’ in Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer (ed.), Poverty and the International Economic Legal System: Duties to the World’s Poor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) pp. 3-15.

 Schefer – Poverty and the International Economic Legal System

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Master Programmes in International Law

Next to the master programmes at the Graduate Institute and the executive Master of International Law and Economics at the World Trade Institute, Master programmes with a particular focus on public international law and components of it are offered by the University of Lausanne, the University of Zurich and the University of St. Gallen, the later particularly focusing on the relationship of law and economics. The Universities of Bern, Fribourg and Neuchâtel are active in the field of international migration law and are about to offer a certificate of advanced studies in the field.

Fragen des Neutralitätsrechts im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Dietrich Schindler, ‘Fragen des Neutralitätsrechts im Zweiten Weltkrieg’ Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz – Zweiter Weltkrieg – Commission Indépendante d’Experts Suisse – Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Band 18 (2001) [Questions of the law of neutrality in World War II].

 Schindler – Fragen des Neutralitätsrechts im Zweiten Weltkrieg

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What is Positive International Law?

Paul Guggenheim, ‘What is Positive International Law’ in George A. Lipsky Law and Politics in the World Community: Essays on Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory and Related Problems in International Law (University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, 1953) pp. 15-30.

 Guggenheim – What is Positive International Law (2)

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Table of content Americanization


Table of content Americanization

1.    Introduction

1.1    Purposes of the part on Americanization and the relationship to the parts of Europeanization and Globalization of Swiss law and legal culture

1.2    Swiss law and legal culture faced with the trend to Americanization after World War II – Elements and causes of the accelerated change – from Pax Americana to Lex Americana and beyond?

1.3    Relevance of the accelerated trend to Americanization after World War II for Swiss law and legal culture

1.4    Milestones of “travels” and “impacts” of American Law on Swiss law and legal culture

1.5    Types and Examples of “travels” and “impacts” of American Law on Swiss law and legal culture

1.6    Lex Americana? –  considerations on the diversity and specificity of the “travels” and “impacts” of American law on Swiss law and legal culture after World War II

1.7    Characteristics and peculiarities of dealing with the process of Americanization of Swiss law and legal culture in Switzerland

1.8    Characteristics and peculiarities of the selection of texts and of authors dealing with process of Americanization of Swiss law and legal culture in Switzerland

2.    Texts

A.    A cultural exchange and encounter – “travels” and “impacts” of Swiss legal culture on the legal culture of the United States
a)    impacts and radiation on the legal culture of the United States from the American Revolution to the founding of modern Switzerland in 1848

2.1    James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Revolution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p.13 – 23

2.2    Paul Widmer, Der Einfluss der Schweiz auf die amerikanische Verfassung von 1787, in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 1988, S.359-389
[The Influence of Switzerland on the American Constitution of 1787]

2.3    The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, excerpt: The Federalist, No. 19: James Madison (with the assistance of Alexander Hamilton), Bantam Classic edition, reissue 2003, New York, p. 106-112

2.4    The Antifederalist, writing by the opponents of the Constitution, ed Herbert J. Storing, Chicago and London 1981, excerpt: A Farmer, 28. March 1788, p. 265-272

2.5    James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Constitution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States, from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 24 – 31

2.6    Albert Gallatin, Memorandum on Louisiana Purchase (1803), in Melvin I. Urofsky/ Paul Finkelman, Documents of American Constitutional History, volume I, 2002, p. 162-165

2.7    Gordon A. Craig, The Economic Takeoff, excerpt, in The Triumph of Liberalism, Zurich in the Golden Age 1830 – 1869, New York – London, 1988, p.95 – 120

b)    Impacts and radiation on the legal culture of the United States before and after the Civil War

2.8    District Court, N.D. California, UNITED STATES V: SUTTER; June 10th 1861 (Westlaw, Hoff. Dec. 27, 27FOO8.1368 and Supreme Court of the United States No. 258, The United States, Appellants vs John A. Sutter – Appeal from the District Court U.S. for the Northern District of California (Westlaw.69US.562.1864WL6589 (U.S.Cal.)

2.9    Johann August Sutter, excerpts, Die Besitznahme des Landes durch die Vereinigten Staaten, Der Bau der Mühlen und die Entdeckung des Goldes, Das Goldfieber, Der Zusammenbruch, in Neu-Helvetien, Lebenserinne-rungen des Generals Johann August Sutter, transcribed and edited by Erwin E. Gudde, Frauenfeld und Leipzig, 1934, p.83-110
[Transcribed memoirs of Johann August Sutter, excerpts on taking of possession by the United States, the construction of the mills and the discovery of gold, the goldfever in the goldrush, and the collaps]

2.10    Blaise Cendrars, in Gold: The Marvellous History of General John August Sutter,  chapters 6, para 25, and chapters 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 1925, translated from the French, L’Or, ou la merveilleuse histoire du Genéral Johann August Sutter, Edition Denoel, Paris, 1947, 1961, 2001, translation first published 1982, p. 71 – 128

2.11    Stefan Zweig, The Discovery of Eldorado – J. A. Sutter, California, January 1848, in Decisive Moments in History, Twelve Historical Minia-tures, Arlachne Press, 1999, german original text first published in Leipzig 1927, Die Entdeckung Eldorados – J. A. Sutter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848 in Sternstunden der Menschheit, Leipzig 1927, first published as “Film eines phantastischen Lebens“ Johann August Sutter on April 25th 1926 in the Neue Freie Presse, Vienna

2.12    James Hutson, Swiss and the American Civil War, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 42 – 50

2.13    Heinz K. Meier, The Period of the Civil War, excerpt, in The United States and Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century, The Hague, 1963, p.70-91

2.14    Alan Dershowitz, excerpts, Introduction Part V, The Civil War, and The Trial of Captain Henry Wirz in America on Trial, Inside the Legal Battles that Transformed our Nation, New York, Boston, 2004, p.133 – 138 and p. 146 – 151

2.15    The Court Martial of Henri Wirz – General Court Martial orders No 607 – Executive Mansion November 3, 1865 – Court Martial of Henri Wirz Charges and Specifications ( argesandspeci-fictions/htm) – Finding of the Court ( – ( wirzcourtmartial)

c)     Impacts and radiation on the legal culture of the United States before and after the turn of the 20th century

2.16    James H. Hutson, Swiss-American Peacemaking: The Alabama Affair and the League of Nations, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States, from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 51 – 57

2.17    William E. Rappard, The Initiative, Referendum and Recall in Switzerland, in William E. Rappard: Varia Politica, publiés ou réimprimés à l’occasion du soixante-dixième anniversaire de William E. Rappard Zürich 1953, p. 121-155

2.18    James H. Hutson, Swiss and American States Constitutions, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 58 – 65

2.19    Heinz K. Meier, Rappard, Wilson and the League of Nations, excerpt, in Friendship under Stress, US – Swiss Relations 1900 – 1950, Berne, 1970, p. 107 – 123

2.20    Raymond R. Probst, “Good offices”; in The light of Swiss international practice and experience, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1989; excerpt: Chapter III, “Good offices”: The Swiss experience, p. 17-70

2.21    Louis Menand, excerpt, Agassiz, p. 97 – 116 and Brazil, p 116 – 148 in The Metaphysical Club – A story of ideas in America, New York, 2001

2.22    Stephen Jay Gould, Louis Agassiz, – America’s theorist of polygeny, excerpt, in the Mismeasure of Man, revised and expanded, New York, 1980, 1996, p. 74 – 82

2.23    Interpellation 07.3486, Louis Agassiz vom Sockel holen und dem Sklaven Renty die Würde zurückgeben, eingereicht am 22. Juni 2007 und Antwort des Bundesrats vom 12. September 2007
[Parliamentary interpellation by a member of the house of representatives requesting a judgement of the Federal Council on alleged contents of racism in Louis Agassiz publications and requesting the renaming of the mountain peak Piz Agassiz to “Rentyhorn”, Renty being a slave of which Louis Agassiz allegedly used a photograph as a “scientific proof” on the inferiority of the “black race”]

d)    observations and perception of Swiss law and legal culture by non-Swiss authors

2.24    Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, edited by J.P Mayer, 1994, excerpt: What distinguishes the Federal Constitution of the United States of America from another Federal Constitution, p. 155-157

2.25    Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, edited by J.P Mayer, 1994; excerpt: Appendix II Report given before the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences on January 15, 1848 on the subject of M. Cherbuliez Book entitled On Democracy in Switzerland, p. 736-749

e)    impacts of institutions and traditions of Swiss law and legal culture on American social sciences

2.26    Karl W. Deutsch, Die Schweiz als ein paradigmatischer Fall politischer Integration, Bern, 1976, p. 8-64, geringfügig überarbeitete Abschrift der Tonband-Aufzeichnung von Daniel Frei des von Karl Deutsch in der Schweiz in deutscher Sprache gehaltenen Vortrages
[Switzerland as a paradigmatic case of political integration]

B.     A cultural exchange and encounter – “travels” and “impacts” of US legal culture on the legal culture of Switzerland
a)    impacts and radiation on the legal culture of Switzerland from the American States Constitution to the Civil War

2.27    William Rappard, Pennsylvania and Switzerland; the Americanisation of the Swiss Constitution, 1848 in Varia Politica, publiés ou réinprimés à l’occasion du soixante-dixième anniversaire de William E. Rappard, Zurich, 1953 p. 316-338

2.28    James H. Hutson, Americans and the Swiss constitution of 1848, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 32 – 41

2.29    Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien vom Ende der alten Eidgenossenschaft bis 1848, Berne 1992; excerpt: 8. Forderungen nach geschriebener Verfassung, Verfassungsän-derung und Verfassungsrat, p. 54-57
[Claims for a written Constitution, constitutional amendments and constitutional conventions]

2.30    Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien vom Ende der alten Eidgenossenschaft bis 1848, Berne 2004; excerpt: 28. Kapitel, Staatsideen aus dem „atlantischen“ Raum, p. 919-920
[Ideas of government originating in the “atlantic” area]

b)    Impacts and radiation on the legal culture of Switzerland from the Civil War to the turn of the 20th century

2.31    Johann Jakob Rüttimann, Vorrede, excerpt, in Das nordamerikanische Bundesstaatsrecht verglichen mit den politischen Einrichtungen der Schweiz, Zurich, 1867, p. IV – VIII
[Words of introduction to a monograph comparing the north American and Swiss constitutional law]

2.32    Emilie Kempin-Spiry, Die Rechtsquellen der Gliedstaaten und Territorien der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika: Mit vornehmlicher Berücksichti-gung des bürgerlichen Rechts, Zurich, 1892, reprinted 2013, 78 pages
[The sources of law in the States and the Territories of the United States of America, with specific reference to civil law]

2.33    Eveline Hasler, excerpts, in Flying with WIngs of Wax – A biographical novel, The Story of Emily Kempin-Spyri, translated and published 1993, New York, originally published in German, Die Wachsflügelfrau, Zürich, 1991

c)    impacts and radiation on Swiss law and legal culture after World War II

2.34    Wolfgang Wiegand, Die Rezeption des amerikanischen Rechts, in Die schweizerische Rechtsordnung in ihren internationalen Bezügen, Festschrift zum Juristentag 1988, Bern 1988, p. 229-262
[The reception of American law]

2.35    Jens Drolshammer, excerpt: The Role and the Tendencies of Americanization for Legal Systems, Legal Professions and Legal Educations in the Area of the International Practice of Law, in The Effects of Globalization on Legal Education, Zurich, 2003, p.1 – 63

2.36    Regina Kiener/ Raphael Lanz, Amerikanisierung des schweizerischen Rechts – und ihre Grenzen, „Adversarial Legalism“ und schweizerische Rechtsordnung, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, Band 119, 2000, I. Halbband, Heft 2, S. 155-174
[Americanization of Swiss law – and its limits; “Adversarial Legalism” and Swiss law]

d)      impacts on Swiss business law

2.37    Peter Böckli, Osmosis of Anglo-Saxon Concepts in Swiss Business Law, in The  International Practice of Law, Liber Amicorum für Thomas Bär und Robert Karrer, ed. Nedim Vogt et al., Basle, Frankfurt am Main, 1997, p. 9-29

e)    impacts on Swiss legislation

2.38    Heinrich Koller, Die Amerikanisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts – Beispiele aus der Gesetzgebung, in Jens Drolshammer, „From the Horse’s Mouth“ – Rechtsberufe am Wind der Amerikanisierung: Betrof-fenheit und Umgang mit der amerikanischen Rechtskultur durch Leiter von Rechtsabteilungen schweizerischer multinationaler Unternehmungen, durch international tätige Rechtsanwälte, Verwaltungs- und Regulie-rungsbehörden sowie durch Gerichte in der Schweiz und Europa, 2007/2008, in Jens Drolshammer, A Timely Turn to the Lawyer?, Globali-sierung und die Anglo-Amerikanisierung von Recht und Rechtsberufen – Essays. Zurich/Baden-Baden, 2009, p. 215 – 22
[Americanization of Swiss law – examples from legislation]

f)    impacts on Swiss courts

2.39    Heinz Aemisegger, Die Bedeutung des US-amerikanischen Rechts bzw. der Rechtskultur des common law in der Praxis schweizerischer Gerichte – am Beispiel des Bundesgerichts, Archiv für Juristische Praxis, 2008, p. 18-30
[The significance of US-American law and legal culture of the common law in the practice of Swiss courts – The example of the Swiss Federal Tribunal]

g)    impacts on Swiss legal science

2.40    Peter Nobel, Wirtschaftsrecht?, in Wirtschaft in Theorie und Praxis, Festschrift für Roland von Büren, ed. Peter V. Kunz, Dorothea Herren, Thomas Cottier, René Matteotti, Basle, 2009, p. 973-992
[Economic Law?]

2.41     Peter Saladin, 1. Kapitel: Die Religionsfreiheit, excerpt in Grundrechte im Wandel, Die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts in einer sich wandeln-den Welt, Berne, 3. Auf., 1982, p. 2-21
[freedom of religion, evolving fundamental rights in the judgments of the Swiss Federal Tribunal]

h)    impacts on Swiss legal professions

2.42    Jens Drolshammer, The Global Groove of the Harvard Yard – Personal aspects of the person in the Globalisation and the Anglo-Americanisation of law and legal professions, in Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2009, p. 317-352

2.43    Jens Drolshammer, Zur Situationalität der Unternehmensjuristen als International Lawyers im Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung und Anglo-Amerikanisierung, in In-House-Counsel in internationalen Unternehmen, ed. S. Hambloch-Gesinn, Beat Hess, Andreas L. Meier, Reto Schiltknecht, Christian Wind, Basle 2010, p. 263-279
[The situationality of the enterprise lawyer as international lawyer in the tension between globalization and anglo-americanization]

i)    Neutrality, Morality and the Holocaust – “case” study

2.44    Daniel Frei, Das Washingtoner Abkommen von 1946: Ein Beitrag der schweizerischen Aussenpolitik zwischen dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und dem Kalten Krieg, in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Band 19 (1969), Heft 3, p. 567 – 619, link
[The Washington Accord of 1946]

2.45    Dietrich Schindler, Neutrality and Morality; Developments in Switzerland and in the International Community, in American University International Law Review, Volume 14, 1998, p. 155 – 170

2.46    Detlev Vagts, Editorial Comment, Switzerland, International Law and World War II, in American Journal of International Law, 1997, S. 466-475

2.47    Stuart E. Eizenstat, Foreword; Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Special Envoy of the Department of State on Property Restitution in Central and Eastern Europe, U.S. and Allied Efforts to Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or  Hidden by Germany During World War II, Prepared by William Slany, The Historian, Department of State with the Participation of various Departments and Federal Agencies, May 1997, p. III – XII

2.48    Detlev Vagts, Jens Drolshammer and Peter Murray, Mit Prozessieren den Holocaust bewältigen? Die Rolle des Zivilrechts und Zivilprozesses beim Versuch der Wiedergutmachung internationaler Katastrophen, in: Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht (ZSR) Vol. 118, 1999, p. 511-528.
[Litigating the Holocaust?- the role of civil law and civil procedure in attempting to redress international calamities]

2.49     Thomas Maissen, V Worum ging es?, excerpt from Verweigerte Erinnerung, Nachrichtenlose Vermögen und die Schweizer Weltkriegsde-batte 1989-2004, Zurich, p. 645 – 662
[the crux of the debates on dormant accounts in Switzerland ]

j)    impacts on Swiss law in conflicts of jurisdictions with the United States – case study- the UBS case as an example

2.50    CASE NO: 09-20423-CIV-Gold / MCALILEY / United States of America Petitioner vs. UBS AG, Respondent / Amicus Brief of Government of Switzerland, 2009 and CASE NO: 09-20423-CIV-Gold / MCALILEY / United States of America Petitioner vs. UBS AG, Respondent / Amicus Govern-ment of Switzerland to Petitioner’s, June 3 Submission, 30 pages

2.51    Thomas Cottier / René Matteotti, The Treaty Request Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United States of America of August 19, 2009 (UBS-Agreement): Principles and Domestic Applicability, Legal opinion for the Federal Office of Justice of Switzerland, in Archiv für Schweizerisches Abgaberecht, December 2009 – January 2012, p. 349 – 402

2.52     Xavier Oberson, Récents développements dans le droit de l’assistance internationale en matière fiscale, notamment avec les Etats-Unis: sept leçons à tirer de « l’affaire UBS », in Genève au confluent du droit interne et du droit internationale, Mélanges offert par la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Genève à la Société Suisse des Juristes à l’occasion du Congrès 2012, Geneva – Zurich – Basle, p. 135-164
[Recent developments in the laws concerning international legal assistance in tax matters particularly as regards to the United States: seven lessons to be drawn from “UBS affair” ]

2.53    Thomas Cottier, „Tax fraud or the like“: Überlegungen und Lehren zum Legalitätsprinzip im Staatsvertragsrecht, in Zeitschrift für schweizeri-sches Recht, 2011, I, p. 97-122
[„Tax fraud or the like“: considerations and lessons learned on the principle of legality in the law of treaties]

k)    impacts on Swiss legal language

2.54    Jens Drolshammer/Nedim Vogt, English as the Language of Law?, An Essay on the Legal Lingua Franca of a Shrinking World, Zurich, Basle, Geneva, 2003, p. 1-59, (with an extensive bibliography, Further Reading and References, p. 61-95)

l)    impacts of US law and legal culture on foreign legal cultures from the perspective and perception of US lawyers and law professors

2.55    Arthur T. von Mehren/ Peter Murray, Law in the United States, Cambridge University Press, 2007; excerpt: final chapter The United States and the global legal community, Cambridge University Press, New York City, p. 273-298

3.    Bibliographical references

4.    Biographies of authors


© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,

Table of content Europeanization

Table of content Europeanization

1.    Introduction

1.1    Purposes of the part on Europeanization and its relationship to the parts on Americanization and Globalization of Swiss law and legal culture

1.2    Swiss law and legal culture and the process of Europeanization after World War II – Elements and Causes and Milestones of the accelerated change

1.3    Characteristics and peculiarities of the dealing with the process of Europeanization of Swiss law and legal culture

1.4    Characteristics and peculiarities of the selection of the texts and of the authors in the writing on the process of Europeanization of Swiss law and legal culture

2.    Texts

A.    A cultural exchange and encounter – “travels” and “impacts” of Swiss legal culture in Europe
a)    impacts and radiation on projects of Europe and European integration

2.1     Johann Caspar Bluntschli – Organisation des europäischen Staatenvereins, Abschnitt aus Johannes Caspar Bluntschli, Die Gegen-wart, Band XII, Nr. 9, Paul Lindaulting, Berlin, 1878
[The Organization of the European Association of States]

2.2    The Hertenstein Programme, 22 September 1946 of the Union Européenne des Fédéralistes

2.3    Winston Churchill – Speech to the academic youth – in Zurich, September 19th, 1946

2.4    Denis de Rougemont, Die Schweiz, Modell Europas, Der Schweizerische Bund als Vorbild für eine europäische Föderation, 2. Aufl., Wien, Mün-chen, 1965, excerpt: 4. Teil, Die Schweiz im künftigen Europa, p. 229-258
[Switzerland, A Model for Europe, The Swiss Confederation as a model for a European Unification?]

2.5    Heinrich Schneider, Eidgenossenschaft – Vorbild und Leitbild für die Einigung Europas? In Thomas Cottier, Rachel Liechti–McKey, die Schweiz und Europa, wirtschaftliche Integration und institutionelle Abstinenz, Zürich, 2010, p. 107-162
[The Swiss Confederation – Model and Guiding Vision for the European Unification?]

b)         impacts and radiation on projects of the European Community and European Union

2.6    Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien in Bund und Kantone seit 1848, Berne, 2004, excerpt: Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte als Quelle von Anregungen für die Zukunft Europas?, p. 921-930
[Constitutional History as a Source for Suggestions for the Future of Europe?]

2.7    Peter Häberle, „Werkstatt Schweiz“: Verfassungspolitik im Blick auf das künftige Gesamt Europa, in Europäische Rechtskultur, Baden Baden, 1994, p. 355-364
[„Workshop Switzerland“: Constitutional Policy for a Unified Europe of the future]

2.8    Daniel Thürer, Deliberative Demokratie und Abstimmungsdemokratie, Zur Idee der demokratischen Gerechtigkeit im europäisch-staatlichen Spannungsfeld, in Daniel Thürer, Kosmopolitisches Staatsrecht, Grund-idee Gerechtigkeit, Band 1, Zürich/St. Gallen 2005, p. 41-63
[Deliberative and Voting Democracy, About the idea of democratic justice in the European tensions of state hood]

B.      A cultural exchange and encounter – “travels” and “impacts” of European law and integration on Swiss legal culture
a)    impacts on Swiss foreign policy on European Integration and the European Union – selective history of European Policy of Switzerland-examples

2.9    Henri Rieben, Le chemin européen, Lausanne, 1963, 17 pages
[ The Path of Europe ]

2.10    Dieter Freiburghaus, Die Vorbereitungsarbeiten der Schweiz, excerpt, in Erfolglose Annäherungsversuche der EFTA Staaten, Die Jahre 1961 – 1968 in Königsweg oder Sackgasse?, Sechzig Jahre schweizerische Europapo-litik, Zurich, 2009, p. 98 – 108
[the preparatory work for an unsuccessful association of Switzerland to the European Community]

2.11    Pierre Du Bois, Le Libre-échange en Europe de 1945 à 1960, in Olivier Jacot-Guillarmod (ed.) L’avenir du libre-échange en Europe : vers un Espace économique européen? Zurich / Berne, 1990, p. 3 – 15
[free trade in Europe from 1945 to 1960]

2.12    Ausschnitte aus Bericht über die Stellung der Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess vom 24. August 1988, BBL 1988 III, 131-132, Aussen-politischer Bericht 2000, BBL. Nr. 6/2001, 261 and Europabericht 2006 vom 28. Juni 2006, BBL. Nr. 35/2005, 6815 ff
[Excerpts from the report of the position of Switzerland in the process of European Integration of August 24, 1988; Report on Foreign Policy 2000; Report on Europe 2006]

2.13    René Schwok, Switzerland – European Union, An impossible membership, European Policy No. 46, Brussels 2009, excerpts chapter 9, chapter 10 Why Switzerland refused to join the European Union, p. 93 – 126 and conclusions: Interesting Paradoxes p. 127 – 130

2.14     Dieter Freiburghaus, Fazit, excerpt, in Königsweg oder Sackgasse?, Sechzig Jahre schweizerische Europapolitik, Zurich, 2009, p. 349 – 367
[summary of 60 years of European policy]

b)    Impacts on Swiss law in general – and based upon the principle of Euro-compatibility by the legal process of “autonomer Nachvollzug” (autonomous adaptation) in particular

2.15    Daniel Thürer, Europaverträglichkeit als Rechtsargument, zu den Wegen und Möglichkeiten schweizerischer Rechtsanpassung an die neue Integrationsdynamik der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, in Festschrift Dietrich Schindler zum 65. Geburtstag, Basle, Frankfurt am Main, 1989, p. 561-582
[Eurocompatibility as legal argument – ways and possibilities of a Swiss legal adaptation to the new dynamics of European Integration]

2.16    Daniel Thürer, Kolumne: Von der sog. „Europaverträglichkeit“: Rechtsgestaltungsprinzip aus Verlegenheit oder Vehikel zur stillen Revolutionierung der Schweizerischen Rechtsordnung?, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 1993 II, p. 91-94
[The so-called „Euro-compatibility“: Principle of formation of law out of embarrassment or vehicle for a silent revolution of Swiss law?]

2.17    Daniel Thürer, Europäische Integration: Herausforderung durch eine sich wandelnde Rechtskultur, Europarecht, 1999, p. 2-7
[European Integration: Challange of a changing legal culture]

2.18    Carl Baudenbacher, Effects of International and European Integration on Switzerland, excerpt, in Swiss Economic Law Facing the Challenges of International and European Law, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2012, p.495 – 510

2.19    Matthias Oesch, Die Europäisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts, in Die Eurokompatibilität des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrechts: Konvergenz und Divergenz, Thomas Cottier ed., Bibliothek zur Zeitschrift für Schwei-zerisches Recht, Beiheft 50, Basle, Geneva, 2012, p. 13 – 39
[The Europeanization of Swiss Law]

2.20    Thomas Cottier, Rachel Liechti, Einleitung und Synthese, excerpt, in Die Eurokompatibilität des Schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrechts: Konvergenz und Divergenz, Bibliothek zur Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, Beiheft 50, Basle, Geneva, 2012, p. 1 – 12
[ introduction and synthesis to a series of articles on eurocompatibility of Swiss economic law ]

2.21    Thomas Cottier, Swiss Model of European Integration, in Astrid Epiney and Stefan Diezig (eds), Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2012/2013, Berne 2013,  p. 1 – 17

c)    impacts on Swiss judges and Swiss courts

2.22    Olivier Jacquot-Guillarmod, Le Juge national face au droit européen, Perspective Suisse et communitaire, excerpt : Chapitre 1, Introduction p. 23-32, Frankfurt, Brusselles, 1993
[The judge facing European law, from a Swiss and European perspective]

2.23    Swiss Federal Tribunal, Judgement of the first civil law division in Öffentliche Arbeitslosenkasse des Kantons Solothurn vs. Metallbau X GmbH, 4C.316/2002 on March 25th 2003 (BGE 129 III 335)

2.24    Thomas Probst, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes als neue Herausforderung für die Praxis und die Wissenschaft im Schweize-rischen Privatrecht, in Basler Juristische Mitteilungen, 2004, p. 225-260
[The case law of the European Court of Justice as new challange for legal practice and legal science in Swiss private law]

d)    impacts on Swiss legislation

2.25    Franz Werro, Vers un Code européen des contrats ?, in François Bellanger et. al (eds.), in Le contrat dans tous ses états, Berne, 2004, p. 341-357
[ Towards an european code of contracts ? ]

e)    impacts on Swiss legal professions

2.26    Jens Drolshammer/Michael Pfeifer, The International Practice of Law : The Swiss Experience, in Tulane European & Civil Law Forum, Volume 14, 1999, p. 66-99

f)    impacts on the institutional changes requested by the European Union as a precondition for negotiations of further Bilateral Agreements

2.27    Carl Baudenbacher, The EU’s call for institutionalization of the bilateral agreements, excerpt, in Swiss Economic Law Facing the Challenges of International and European Law, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2012 , p. 582 – 588

2.28    Daniel Thürer, Gutachten über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen, erstattet an den schweizerischen Bundesrat am 7. Juli 2011, together with Prof. Thomas Burri. p. 1-43
[Legal opinion for the Swiss government on possible forms of transformation and application of Bilateral Treaties]

2.29    Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, Briefliche Stellungnahme über mögliche Formen der Umsetzung und Anwendung der Bilateralen Abkommen, erstattet an den schweizerischen Bundesrat vom 29. Juni 2011  p. 1-4
[Swiss Federal Tribunal, advisory opinion in form of a letter to the Swiss government on possible forms of transformation and application of Bilateral Treaties]

g)    impacts from the perspective of neighbouring humanities and social sciences – literature – history – political science – political economy

2.30    Fritz Ernst, European Switzerland, historically considered, Zurich 1951, p. 1-72

2.31    Karl Schmid, Die Schweiz vor der europäischen Wirklichkeit, Referat gehalten am schweizerischen Gewerbekongress vom 8./9. Mai 1986 in Zürich, in Die Schweiz zwischen Tradition und Zukunft, Ansprachen und Aufsätze aus 25 Jahren, Schaffhausen/Stäfa 1991, p. 55-72
[Switzerland facing the European reality]

2.32    Herbert Lüthy, Die Schweiz als Antithese, mit einem Nachwort des Verfassers, Zürich 1969, ursprünglich in französischer Sprache geschrie-ben „La Suisse à contre-courant“, in Revue Economique Franco-Suisse, 1961; in deutscher Sprache erstmals in Herbert Lüthy Nach dem Unter-gang des Abendlandes, Zeitkritische Essays, Cologne 1964, p. 1-55
[Switzerland as Antithesis]

2.33    Adolf Muschg, excerpt, Europa: Das Fest, Der Tod und die Andern  in  Was ist europäisch? Reden für einen gastlichen Erdteil, Bonn, 2005, p. 93 – 126.
[ Fourth lecture in a series What is European ? – Europe : the fear, the death and the others ]

2.34    Peter von Matt, Die Schweiz zwischen Ursprung und Fortschritt, Zur Seelengeschichte einer Nation, in Das Kalb von der Gotthardpost, zur Literatur und Politik der Schweiz, Munich, 2012, p. 9-93
[Switzerland between origin and progress, on the history of the soul of a nation]

2.35    Wolf Linder, Vom Zustand der Republik, Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, 2010, p. 67-87; leicht überarbeitete Abschiedsvorlesung des Autors an der Universität Bern vom 5. November 2009
[On the state of the Republic]

2.36    Bruno S. Frey, Experimentierfreudiges Europa, Schweizer Monat, Juni 2013, Ausgabe 1007, p. 64-68
[Europe – Keen to experiment?]

3.    Bibliographical references

4.    Biographies of authors

© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,

2.44 Das Washingtoner Abkommen von 1946

Daniel Frei, Das Washingtoner Abkommen von 1946: Ein Beitrag der schweizerischen Aussenpolitik zwischen dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und dem Kalten Krieg, in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, Band 19 (1969), Heft 3, p. 567 – 619, link:

A_2.22_Frei_Washingtoner Abkommen

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2.33 Flying with Wings of Wax

Eveline Hasler, excerpts, in Flying with Wings of Wax – A biographical novel, The Story of Emily Kempin-Spyri, translated and published 1993, New York, originally published in German, Die Wachsflügelfrau, Zürich, 1991


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2.32 Die Rechtsquellen der Gliedstaaten und Territorien der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

Emilie Kempin-Spiry, Die Rechtsquellen der Gliedstaaten und Territorien der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika: Mit vornehmlicher Berücksichtigung des bürgerlichen Rechts, Zurich, 1892, reprinted 2013, 78 pages


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Emilie Kempin-Spyri

Emilie Kempin-Spyri (born March 18, 1853 in Altstetten; died April 12, 1901 in Basel; née Spyri, married name Kempin) was the first woman in Switzerland to graduate with a law degree and to be accepted as an academic lecturer. However, as a woman she was not permitted to practice as an attorney; therefore she emigrated to New York, where she taught at a law school she established for women. Emilie Kempin-Spyri was the niece of the author Johanna Spyri.

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2.31 Das nordamerikanische Bundesstaatsrecht

Johann Jakob Rüttimann, Vorrede, excerpt, in Das nordamerikanische Bundesstaatsrecht verglichen mit den politischen Einrichtungen der Schweiz, Zurich, 1867, p. IV – VIII


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2.28 Americans and the Swiss constitution

James H. Hutson, Americans and the Swiss constitution of 1848, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 32 – 41

A_2.28_HUTSON_American And Swiss Constitution 1848

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2.23 Louis Agassiz vom Sockel holen und dem Sklaven Renty die Würde zurückgeben

Interpellation 07.3486, Louis Agassiz vom Sockel holen und dem Sklaven Renty die Würde zurückgeben, eingereicht am 22. Juni 2007 von Nationalrat Carlo Sommaruga und Antwort des Bundesrats vom 12. September 2007

A_2.23_AGASSIZ_vom Sockel holen und dem Sklaven Renty die Würde zurückgeben

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2.22 Louis Agassiz – America’s theorist of polygeny

Stephen Jay Gould, Louis Agassiz, – America’s theorist of polygeny, excerpt, in the Mismeasure of Man, revised and expanded, New York, 1980, 1996, p. 74 – 82

A_2.22_GOULD_Mismeasure of Man

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Stephen Jay Gould

Stephen Jay Gould (September 10, 1941 – May 20, 2002) was an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science. He was also one of the most influential and widely read writers of popular science of his generation. Gould spent most of his career teaching at Harvard University and working at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. In the later years of his life, Gould also taught biology and evolution at New York University.

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2.21 Agassiz and Brazil – A story of ideas in America

Louis Menand, excerpt, Agassiz, p. 97 – 116 and Brazil, p 116 – 148 in The Metaphysical Club – A story of ideas in America, New York, 2001

  A_2.21_MENAND_Agassiz Brasil

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2.19 Rappard, Wilson and the League of Nations

Heinz K. Meier, Rappard, Wilson and the League of Nations, excerpt, in Friendship under Stress, US – Swiss Relations 1900 – 1950, Berne, 1970, p. 107 – 123

A_2.19_MEIER_Wilson Rappard The Paris Peace

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2.18 Swiss and American States Constitutions

James H. Hutson, Swiss and American States Constitutions, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 58 – 65

 A_2.18_HUTSON_Swiss and American States Constitutions

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2.16 Swiss-American Peacemaking

James H. Hutson, Swiss-American Peacemaking: The Alabama Affair and the League of Nations, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States, from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 51 – 57

A_2.16_HUTSON_Swiss-American Peacemaking

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2.15 The Court Martial of Henri Wirz

The Court Martial of Henri Wirz – General Court Martial orders No 607 – Executive Mansion November 3, 1865 – Court Martial of Henri Wirz Charges and Specifications (  argesand-specifictions/htm) – Finding of the Court ( – ( wirzcourtmartial)

A_2.15_Court Martial of Henry Wirz – Charges and Specifications

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2.14 The Civil War and the Trial of Captain Henry Wirz in America

Alan Dershowitz, excerpts, Introduction Part V, The Civil War, and The Trial of Captain Henry Wirz in America on Trial, Inside the Legal Battles that Transformed our Nation, New York, Boston, 2004, p.133 – 138 and p. 146 – 151

A_2.14_DERSHOWITZ_America on trial

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Alan Dershowiz

Alan Morton Dershowitz (born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer, jurist, and political commentator. He is a prominent scholar on United States constitutional law and criminal law. He has spent most of his career at Harvard Law School where in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He has held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there since 1993.

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2.13 The Period of the Civil War

Heinz K. Meier, The Period of the Civil War, excerpt, in The United States and Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century, The Hague, 1963, p.70-91

A_2.13_MEIER_Period of the Civil War

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2.12 Swiss and the American Civil War

James Hutson, Swiss and the American Civil War, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 42 – 50

A_2.12_HUTSON_Swiss and American Civil War

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2.11 The Discovery of Eldorado

Stefan Zweig, The Discovery of Eldorado – J. A. Sutter, California, January 1848, in Decisive Moments in History, Twelve Historical Miniatures, Arachne Press, 1999, german original text first published in Leipzig 1927, Die Entdeckung Eldorados – J. A. Sutter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848 in Sternstunden der Menschheit, Leipzig 1927, first published as “Film eines phantastischen Lebens“ Johann August Sutter on April 25th 1926 in the Neue Freie Presse, Vienna

A_2.11_ZWEIG_Discovery of Eldorado

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2.10 The Marvellous History of General Johann August Sutter

Blaise Cendrars, in Gold: The Marvellous History of General John August Sutter,  chapters 6, para 25, and chapters 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 1925, translated from the French, L’Or, ou la merveilleuse histoire du Genéral Johann August Sutter, Edition Denoel, Paris, 1947, 1961, 2001, translation first published 1982, p. 71 – 128

A_2.10_CENDRARS_Marvellous History

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2.9 Memoirs of Johann August Sutter

Johann August Sutter, excerpts, Die Besitznahme des Landes durch die Vereinigten Staaten, Der Bau der Mühlen und die Entdeckung des Goldes, Das Goldfieber, Der Zusammenbruch, in Neu-Helvetien, Lebenserinnerungen des Generals Johann August Sutter, transcribed and edited by Erwin E. Gudde, Frauenfeld und Leipzig, 1934, p.83-110

A_2.9_SUTTER_Besitznahme des Landes

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Johann August Sutter, District Court, N.D. California, UNITED STATES V: SUTTER; June 10th 1861 (Westlaw, Hoff. Dec. 27, 27FOO8.1368 and Supreme Court of the United States No. 258, The United States, Appellants vs John A. Sutter – Appeal from the District Court U.S. for the Northern District of California (Westlaw.69US.562.1864WL6589 (U.S.Cal.)

 A_2.8_Sutter Supreme Court

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2.7 The Economic Takeoff

Gordon A. Craig, The Economic Takeoff, excerpt, in The Triumph of Liberalism, Zurich in the Golden Age 1830 – 1869, New York – London, 1988, p.95 – 120

A_2.7_CRAIG_Triumph Liberalism

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2.5 Swiss and the American Constitution

James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Constitution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States, from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 24 – 31

A_2.5_HUTSON_Swiss and American Constitution

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2.1 Swiss and the American Revolution

James H. Hutson, Swiss and the American Revolution, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p.13 – 23

 A_2.1_HUTSON_Swiss and American Revolution

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Stefan Trechsel

Stefan Trechsel was born in Bern in 1937. His father was the pastor of Boltigen im Simmental and his mother came from a Jewish family in Berlin. He attended school in Burgdorf and continued his studies in Bern. He passed the bar exam in 1963, went on to receive his doctorate in 1966 and took up the position as a private lecturer in 1972. Trechsel spent one year as a fellow in Washington, D.C. He was a state prosecutor in Bern from 1971 to 1975.

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Giorgio Malinverni

Giogrio Malinverni is an honorary Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and a Judge at the European Court of Human Rights. Malinverni was born in October 1941 in Locarno. He holds a Law degree from the University of Fribourg and was awarded his PhD in 1965 from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva.

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Gret Haller

Gret Haller was born 1947 and completed her grammar school and law studies in Zurich. She earned her Doctorate in Law at the University of Zurich in 1973 with a dissertation on the UNO – the human rights pact and the legal position of women in Switzerland. She worked as a legal person in an architecture and urban planning practice from 1973-1974 before going on to work for two years as an administrator for the European Convention of Human Rights at the Federal Department of Justice and Police. In 1978 she opened her own legal practice in Bern.

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Robert Briner

Robert Briner was a Swiss arbitrator who was a prominent figure in the field of international arbitration. Briner received his Doctorate in Law from the University of Zurich before being admitted to the bars of Zurich, Geneva and Fribourg. In the 1970s he increasingly became active in the area of arbitration and in 1985 he was appointed to chair Chamber Two of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague. In 1989 he became President of the Tribunal, a role he held until 1991.

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University of Bern: World Trade Institute

The World Trade Institute (WTI) is a centre of excellence of the University of Bern, Switzerland entailing some 50 staff members. Established in 1999 by Thomas Cottier, Petros Mavroidis and economists Jaime de Melo, Damien Neven and Jean-Louis Juvet, it is one of the world’s leading academic institutions dedicated to international trade. The WTI transcends boundaries fusing law, economics and international relations in interdisciplinary research, training, advisory work and technical assistance in Switzerland and abroad.

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Graduate Institute

‘The Graduate Institute (known by its Geneva abbreviation of HEI – Hautes Eâtudes Internationales) was founded in 1927. The moving spirits behind its creation were William Rappard, a friend of Woodrow Wilson, and Paul Mantoux, a friend of Lloyd George and of Clemenceau – both scholar-diplomats. They worked side by side and in friendship as senior officials in the secretariat at the first headquarters of the League of Nations in the building, later (and still) known as the Palais Wilson. Their shared vision, at the peak of faith in internationalism associated with the League, was for a graduate school to help prepare statesmen and secretariat staff by studying, in complete impartiality, the new and distinct subject of international relations.

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Painting the Landscape – An Introduction

International law, scholarship and practice in international law mainly evolved in Universities and in Government. Most of the work done related to professors and practionners, diplomats and government lawyers, Judges were instrumental and lawyers arguing cases, albeit to a lesser degree with a number of exceptions active on the international stage.

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La responsabilité de protéger – Une vue d’ensemble assortie d’une perspective suisse

Nicolas Michel,  ‘La responsabilité de protéger – Une vue d’ensemble assortie d’une perspective suisse’, in: Revue de droit suisse. – Bâle. – Vol. 131 (2012). Halbbd. II, no 1, p. 5-109. – Numéro thématique: Le droit suisse face aux défis du droit international [The Responsibility to Protect An overview together with a Swiss perspective].

 Michel – Une vue d’ensemble assortie d’une perspective suisse

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William Emmanuel Rappard was born on 22 April 1883 in New York City to Swiss parents; at the time his father was working in the United States as a representative of various Swiss industries. Rappard enrolled at Harvard University in 1906 where he completed his graduate studies in Economics in 1908. The next academic year he studied at the University of Vienna in Austria-Hungary attending the seminars of two leading figures of the Austrian school of economics Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk and Eugen Philippovich von Philippsberg. In 1911 he returned to Harvard as an adjunct professor of political economy. He left two years later to take up the position of professor of economic history and public finance at the University of Geneva where he also served as a rector for some years during the 1920s and again in the 1930s.

Rappard was a member of various Swiss diplomatic missions including the peace conference in France that ended the First World War. He was said to have made a strong impression on US President Woodrow Wilson and was pivotal in persuading him to base the League of Nations headquarters in Geneva. In 1920 Rappard started work for the League as director of the Mandates Division, overseeing the administration of colonial territories lost by the Central powers following the war. He became a member of the Permanent Mandates Commission in 1925 serving until the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.

In 1927 Rappard co-founded the Graduate Institute for International Studies in Geneva, alongside the internationally respected economist Paul Mantoux. Rappard’s goal was to train future generations, with the help of international renowned scholars, so that they may in turn contribute to global peace and freedom. Among these internationally renowned scholars that taught alongside Rappard in the 1930s were, among others, Hans Kelsen, Pitman B. Potter, Michael A. Heilperin and Wilhelm Röpke. Alongside these Rappard brought numerous noted visiting scholars including F. A. Hayek, Lionel Robbins, Quincy Wright, Luigi Einaudi, Eric Voegelin, and Bertil Ohlin. Rappard remained the director of the Graduate Institute until his retirement in 1955.

Throughout the 1920s and 30s Rappard defended the League of Nations in principle although he had become disillusioned with it in practice. He saw nations pursuing their national interests single-mindedly, refusing to respect decisions made by the international court and finally faced with rising hostility from Italy, Germany and Japan countries resorted to national armament over collective security. Rappard sought to address why nations had moved away from the classical-liberal world of peace and freedom citing the interconnectedness of economic and political nationalism and the power that states had gained during the First World War as a key reason. This economic nationalism continued during the interwar period with countries unwilling to rely on imports in case international conflict rendered them unavailable. Rappard believed that the Second World War was an unavoidable culmination of these policies.

After the Second World War Rappard expressed doubt in the new United Nations describing it as a product of the victors of the Second World War and criticized it for its initially restrictive membership and the power which it gave to the five members of the Security Council. Later he warned of the calamity of a war breaking out between the two nuclear powers the United States and the Soviet Union. Although he believed that the Soviet Union would eventually collapse from internal forces he stressed the need for the West have its own ideal. In his last book The Secret of American Prosperity, Rappard expounded the role that human liberty played in America’s success and argued that Europe should relearn that lesson while retaining their unique culture and traditions.

William Rappard passed away on 29 April 1958 shortly after his 75th birthday. In 1977 the former International Labour Organisation building was named after William Rappard. It was the first building in Geneva to be built specifically to hold an international organization and after the ILO left hosted the secretariat of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and the library of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Since 1995, the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the GATT and became the main occupant of the Centre William Rappard.


Note sur la creation d’une institution judiciaire internationale propre a prévenir et a reprimer les infractions a la convention de Genève

Gustave Moynier, ‘Note sur la creation d’une institution judiciaire internationale propre à prévenir et à réprimer les infractions à la convention de Genève’ Bulletin International des Societes de Secours aux Militaires Blesses, Vol. 3, Issue. 11 (1872) pp. 122-131 [Note on the creation of a specific international judicial institution to prevent and punish violations of the Geneva Convention].

 Moynier – Note sur la creation d’une institution

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Ausschaffungsinitiative (2C_828/2011)


Born in 1987, X. is a Macedonian national, who entered Switzerland in November 1994 for the purposes of family reunification. He was later granted a settlement permit. On 18 June 2010, the Trial Court Weinfelden convicted X. for a severe violation of the Swiss Narcotics Act and handed down a suspended jail sentence of 18 months. Based on this conviction, the Migration Office of the Canton of Thurgau revoked settlement permit of X. on 30 March 2011 and ordered his expulsion from Switzerland.

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Constitutional Functions of Liberal International Trade and Monetary Rules

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, ‘Constitutional Functions of Liberal International Trade and Monetary Rules’ in Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Constitutional Functions and Constitutional Problems of International Economic Law (Fribourg: Fribourg University Press, 1991) pp. 209-221.

 Petersmann – Constitutional Functions

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Lehren von Vorrang und Autonomie des Vertragstextes

Jörg Paul Müller, ‘Lehren von Vorrang und Autonomie des Vertragstextes’ in Jörg Paul Müller, Vertrauensschutz im Völkerrecht (Köln and Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, 1971) pp. 136-143 [Doctrines of precedence and autonomy in international law].

  Müller – Vertrauensschutz im VR_Plain Meaning Rule

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Distribution of Powers Between Federal Government and Member Unites

Luzius Wildhaber, ‘Distribution of Powers Between Federal Government and Member Unites’ in Luzius Wildhaber, Treaty-Making Power and Constitution: An International and Comparative Study (Basel and Stuttgart: Helbing and Lichtenhahn, 1971) pp. 254-272.

 Wildhaber – Treaty Making Power

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Otfried Nippold

Otfried Nippold was born in Wiesbaden, Germany in 1864. He studied law at the University of Bern, University of Halle, University of Tübingen before earning his doctorate at the University of Jena in 1886. This extract from Martti Koskenniemi , The Gentle Civilizer of Nations discusses Nippold and his contribution to the understanding of the political reality:

Should lawyers examine political reality by reference to how some people (or States) wanted that reality to be – or should they assess the normative nature of State policies by reference to what worked in practice?

This difficulty may be illustrated by reference to the 1894 study of treaties by the Swiss liberal internationalist Otfried Nippold (1864-1938). He observed that in international relations power seemed to go before the law and that this had been nowhere more visible than in European behavior in the colonies. Treaties that were cited as proof of the beneficial expansion of international law had been imposed by brutal force on peaceful communities. Rejecting Weltstaatlich utopias as imperialism in disguise he emphasized the centrality of treaties in a strictly consensual legal system: “Mes positive Volkerrecht ist auf den Willen der Staaten zuruckufuhren .The problem lay not in excess voluntarism but in the law’s insufficient regard to the actual wishes of communities. Prevailing doctrines refrained from concluding that imposed treaties – including peace treaties – were invalid. They were enchanted by effective power in contradiction with their professed voluntarism. A treaty imposed by force (whether or not a peace treaty) was not voluntarily concluded and cannot be rationalized as binding under a system of co-coordinative wills.

For Nippold, it was clear that treaties were the most important source of international law Like other liberals, he imagined State will as the rational will to participate in increasing co-operation and even in the harmonization of domestic laws. A natural Annaherung and Ausgleichunp were slowly leading to something like a world State. Despite his sociological language, however, Nippold saw most progress in international law as a result of the work of Wissenshaft. He proposed the establishment of an international organization of jurists with a much larger membership than that of the Institut as well as the setting up of an international training school for international lawyers – a proposal that culminated in the establishment of the Hague Academy of International Law in 1913. His work did not contain a serious effort to analyze the social forces that would determine the direction of future integration. It was an armchair sociology he espoused, built on the assumption that States would – when gently guided by men of science – come to understand where their real interests lay, and agree on a world federation. Here was its weakness: irrespective of its sociological language, Nippold’s view emerged from a Kantian rationalism that defined internationalism as rational – and thereby undermined his criticism of the present system of imperial power. For to distinguish between beneficial internationalism and malignant imperialism one needed to have substantive criteria; in the absence of a material theory of progress, Nippold could do this only by falling back on his liberal intuitions.

The Law of Nations – Chapter XII Of Treaties Of Alliance, And Other Republic Treaties

Emer De Vattel, ‘Of Treaties Of Alliance, And Other Public Treaties’ in Emer De Vattel, The Law of Nations (Translated by Joseph Chitty, with additional notes and references by Edward D. Ingraham. Philadelphia,T. & J.W. Johnson, Law Booksellers, 1853) pp. 192-212.

  De Vattel – The Law of Nations

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Principles of Natural and Politic Law

Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, ‘Of the Nature of Man, considered with regard to Right: Of the Understanding, and whatever is relative to this Faculty’ in Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, Principles of Natural and Politic Law (translated into English by Thomas Nuggent, [1748] Indiana: Liberty Fund, 2006).

  Burlamaqui – The Principles of Natural and Politic Law

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2.2 Types of Reception

Max Rheinstein, Types of Reception, in Max Rheinstein, Gesammelte Werke – Collected Works, Vol. 1, Rechtstheorie und Soziologie, Rechtsvergleichung und Common Law (USA), p. 261-268 (presentation at the meeting of the International Association of Legal Science held in Istanbul, Spetember 1966 on the issues of the reception of the Swiss Civil Code in Turkey 1926, first published in Annales de la faculté de droit d’Istanbul (1956), p. 31-40

G_2.2_RHEINSTEIN_Types of Reception

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Samantha Besson

Samantha Besson holds a law degree from the University of Fribourg (1996), an LLM in European and Comparative Law from the University of Oxford (1998) and a Doctorate in Law from the University Fribourg (1999) and earned her post-doctoral habilitation from the University of Bern (2004). She is one of Switzerland’s most internationally recognised contemporary legal scholars.

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2.3/2.54 English as the Language of Law?

Jens Drolshammer / Nedim Vogt, English as the Language of Law?, An Essay on the Legal Lingua Franca of a Shrinking World, Zürich, Basel, Genf, 2003, p. 1 – 59, with an extensive bibliography, further reading and references, p. 61 – 95

  G_2.3_DROLSHAMMER_English as the Language of Law

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Nedim Peter Vogt

Nedim Peter Vogt was born in 1952. He studied law at the University of Zurich and obtained his doctorate in 1982. In 1983 he studied at Harvard Law School, where he obtained an LL.M degree. Vogt worked as a lawyer in New York for two years and returned to Switzerland in 1985. Following his return in 1985, he assumed a lectureship in law at the University of Zurich and from 1989 up to 2011 and was partner of the law firm Bär & Karrer.

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James Madison

James Madison, Jr.(16th March 1751  – 28th June 1836) was an American statesman and political theorist. He is hailed as the “Father of the Constitution” for being instrumental in the drafting of the United States Constitution and as the key champion and author of the United States Bill of Rights. He was the fourth President of the United States (1809–1817). He served as a politician much of his adult life. Like other Virginia statesmen in the slave society, he was a slaveholder and part of the elite; he inherited his plantation known as Montpelier, and owned hundreds of slaves during his lifetime to cultivate tobacco and other crops.

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2.5 Das schweizerische Recht vor den Herausforderungen des internationalen Rechts

Peter Nobel, Das schweizerische Recht vor den Herausforderungen des internationalen Rechts- Bank- und Finanzmarktrecht, excerpt: B, Zweiter Teil; Die wesentlichen Institutionen, Elemente und Ergebnisse der Internationalisierung, I Internationale Institutionen in der Schweiz, in Schweizerischer Juristentag 2012, Das Schweizerische Recht vor der Herausforderung des internationalen Rechts, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2012, Heft 2, p. 199-213

  G_2.5_NOBEL_Das Schweizerische Recht

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Carl Baudenbacher

Prof. Dr. iur. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher is a Full Professor of Civil, Commercial and Business Law and the Managing Director of the Institute of European and International Business Law at the University of St. Gallen HSG. He is the President of the EFTA Court. Baudenbacher received his doctoral degree from the University of Bern in 1978 and his habilitation from the University of Zürich in 1982.

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Albert Gallatin

Albert Gallatin was born in Geneva on the 29th of January 1761 and died in Astoria, USA, on the 12th of August 1849. He was the US Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, as well as a diplomat, banker, and ethnologist. We cite the lively portrait in Benedict von Tscharner in Inter Gentes, Statesmen, Diplomats, Political Thinkers, p. 125 ff.

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Johann August Sutter

Johann August Sutter (February 15, 1803 – June 18, 1880) was a Swiss pioneer of California known for his association with the California Gold Rush by the discovery of gold by James W. Marshall and the mill making team at Sutter’s Mill, and for establishing Sutter’s Fort in the area that would eventually become Sacramento, the state’s capital. Although famous throughout California for his association with the Gold Rush, Sutter saw his business ventures fail while those of his elder son, John Augustus Sutter, Jr., were more successful.

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Lucius Caflisch

Lucius Caflisch is a Swiss international law specialist. Between 1984 and 1990 he was the Director of the Graduate Institute in Geneva. In 1991, he became legal advisor for the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and represented Switzerland at several international conventions, for example on the banning of personnel mines and on maritime law, as well as at negotiations creating the constitution of the International Criminal Court. He also acted as judge for the principality of Liechtenstein at the European Court of Human Rights from 1998 until 2006 when he was appointed to the Geneva-based United Nations International Law Commission.

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Thomas Cottier, Editor and Author

Thomas Cottier, former Managing Director of the World Trade Institute and the Institute of European and International Economic Law, is a Professor emeritus of European and International Economic Law at the University of Bern. He was educated at the University of Bern and was a research fellow with Professor Jörg Paul Müller in constitutional and public international law.

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Hans-Ueli Vogt

Born: 1969 Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-14 um 11.49.25

Nationality: Swiss

Education and professional activities:

Professor Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt studied law at the University of Zurich and graduated in 1995. From 1996 to 1998, he was a part-time research and teaching assistant at the University of Zurich for Prof. Dr. Peter Forstmoser and Prof. Dr. Roger Zäch. In 1998, he was admitted to the bar for the canton of Zürich.

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Heinrich Koller

Heinrich Koller studied economics and social sciences at the Universities of St. Gallen, Paris and Winnipeg (1961-1966) and law at the University of Basel (1966-1970). For 3 years, he was a scientific assistant at the University of Basel, wrote his doctoral dissertation, and did the court and notary public practica in the Canton of Solothurn.

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Robert Kolb

Born on 11 March 1967, Robert Kolb holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Bern, a post-graduate degree in public international law (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva), an LL.M. in law of the sea (University College, University of London), a Ph.D. in international law from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, and was distinguished with a venia docendi on completion of his habilitation thesis from the University of Bern.

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Herbert Burkert

Herbert Burkert is currently the President of the Governing Board of the Research Center for Information Law, University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. He has been a Professor of Public Law and Communication Law at that University, after serving as Senior Research Director at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS, St. Augustin, Germany.

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Petros Mavroidis

Petros C. Mavroidis is professor of European Union and World Trade Organization (WTO) Law at the University of Neuchâtel and at Columbia Law School, New York. He is also Chair for Global and Regional Economic Law at European University Institute, Florence. He was previously a member of the Legal Affairs Division at the WTO.  He is chief co-rapporteur at the American Law Institute (ALI) for the project “Principles of International Trade Law: The WTO.”

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Hans Joachim Morgenthau

Hans J. Morgenthau is credited as one of the ‘founding fathers’ of the realist school which came to dominate theoretical and practical understanding of International Politics in the 20th Century. Morgenthau was most associated with his ‘American’ works published after his move to the United States from Europe, even though he was forty at the time and had already written several books on the subjects of international law and the political relations between countries.

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Jörg Paul Müller

Jörg Paul Müller is an eminent constitutional and international law scholar and Emeritus Professor at the University of Bern. Müller studied law and sociology at the universities of Geneva and Bern and completed a post-graduate degree at Harvard Law School. In his distinguished career Müller has worked as a lecturer on Constitutional Law, Constitutional Theory and Political Ethics at the Universities of Freiburg, Basel, St. Gallen and ETH Zurich.

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Mark Pieth

Mark Pieth has been, since 1993, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Having completed his undergraduate degree and his PhD in criminal law and criminal procedure at this university, he spent an extensive period of time abroad, most notably at the Max Planck Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology in Germany and the Cambridge Institute of Criminology in the United Kingdom. After practicing for a time as a private barrister (‘Advokat’), he returned to his alma mater to complete his post-doctoral (‘habilitation’) thesis on sanctioning and other aspects of criminology.

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William Rappard

William Emmanuel Rappard was born in New York City on 22nd April 1883 to Swiss parents. His father was working in the United States as a representative of various Swiss industries. Rappard did his graduate studies in economics at Harvard University from 1906 to 1908. During the academic year 1908-1909 he carried out additional studies at the University of Vienna in Austria-Hungary, attending the seminars of Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk and Eugen Philippovich von Philippsberg, two of the leading figures of the Austrian school of economics before the First World War. From 1911 to 1913, he was an adjunct Professor of Political Economy at Harvard.

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Georges Sauser-Hall

Georges Sauser-Hall was born in 1884 in La Chaux-de -Fonds. Sauser-Hall was Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Neuchâtel (1912), chief legal officer of the Political Department in Berne (1915-1924), Professor of Civil Law, Comparative and International Private Law at the University of Geneva (1924-1954) forensic consultant and professor of the Turkish government in Istanbul (1925-1931), lecturer at the Universities of Neuchâtel and Lausanne (1954).

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2.55 Law in the United States

Arthur van Mehren / Peter Murray, Law in the United States, Cambridge University Press, 2007; excerpt: final chapter The United States and the global legal community, p. 273-298

A_2.55_MURRAY_von MEHREN_Law in the US

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2.53 “Tax fraud or the like”

Thomas Cottier, „Tax fraud or the like“: Überlegungen und Lehren zum Legalitätsprinzip im Staatsvertragsrecht, in Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2011, I, p. 97-122

A_2.53_COTTIER_Tax Fraud or the Like

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2.52 Récents développements dans le droit de l’assistance internationale en matière fiscale, notamment avec les Etats-Unis

Xavier Oberson, Récents développements dans le droit de l’assistance internationale en matière fiscale, notamment avec les Etats-Unis: sept leçons à tirer de « l’affaire UBS », in Genève au confluent du droit interne et du droit internationale, Mélanges offert par la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Genève à la Société Suisse des Juristes à l’occasion du Congrès 2012, p. 135-164

A_2.52_OBERSON_Récents deévelopements

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2.51 The Treaty Request Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United States of America of August 19, 2009

Thomas Cottier / René Matteotti, The Treaty Request Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the United States of America of August 19, 2009 (UBS-Agreement): Principles and Domestic Applicability, Legal opinion for the Federal Office of Justice of the Swiss Government


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2.50 U.S.A. Petitioner vs. UBS AG – Amicus brief of Government of Switzerland

CASE NO: 09-20423-CIV-Gold / MCALILEY / United States of America Petitioner vs. UBS AG, Respondent / Amicus Brief of Government of Switzerland, 2009 and CASE NO: 09-20423-CIV-Gold / MCALILEY / United States of America Petitioner vs. UBS AG, Respondent / Amicus Government of Switzerland to Petitioner’s, June 3 Submission, full text

A_2.50_Amicus Brief

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2.43 Zur Situationalität der Unternehmensjuristen als International Lawyers im Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung und Anglo-Amerikanisierung

Jens Drolshammer, Zur Situationalität der Unternehmensjuristen als International Lawyers im Spannungsfeld von Globalisierung und Anglo-Amerikanisierung, in In-House-Counsel in internationalen Unternehmen, ed. S. Hemblach-Glesinn, Beat Hess, Andreas L. Meier, Reto Schiltknecht, Christian Wind, Basel 2010, p. 263-297

 A_2.43_DROLSHAMMER_Zur Situationalität

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2.42 The Global Groove of the Harvard Yard

Jens Drolshammer, The Global Groove of the Harvard Yard – Personal aspects of the person in the “Globalisation and the Anglo-Americanisation of law and legal professions”, in Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2009, p. 317-352


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2.40 Wirtschaftsrecht?

Peter Nobel, Wirtschaftsrecht?, in Wirtschaftsrecht in Theorie und Praxis, Festschrift für Roland von Büren, ed. Peter V. Kunz, Dorothea Herren, Thomas Cottier and René Matteotti, Basel, 2009, p. 973-992, excerpt


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2.39 Die Bedeutung des US-amerikanischen Rechts bzw. der Rechtskultur des common law in der Praxis schweize-rischer Gerichte

Heinz Aemisegger, Die Bedeutung des US-amerikanischen Rechts bzw. der Rechtskultur des common law in der Praxis schweizerischer Gerichte – am Beispiel des Bundesgerichts, Archiv für juristische Praxis, 2008, p.18-30, full text


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2.38 Die Amerikanisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts – Beispiele aus der Gesetzgebung

Heinrich Koller, Die Amerikanisierung des Schweizerischen Rechts – Beispiele aus der Gesetzgebung, in Jens Drolshammer, „From the Horse’s Mouth“ – Rechtsberufe am Wind der Amerikanisierung: Betroffenheit und Umgang mit der amerikanischen Rechtskultur durch Leiter von Rechtsabteilungen schweizerischer multinationaler Unternehmungen, durch international tätige Rechtsanwälte, Verwaltungs- und Regulierungsbehörden sowie durch Gerichte in der Schweiz und Europa, 2007/2008, in Jens Drolshammer, A Timely Turn to the Lawyer?, Globalisierung und die Anglo-Amerikanisierung von Recht und Rechtsberufen – Essays. Zürich/Baden-Baden, 2009, p. 215 – 227

 A_2.38_KOLLER_Amerikanische Rechtskultur

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2.37 Osmosis of Anglo-Saxon Concepts in Swiss Business Law

Peter Böckli, Osmosis of Anglo-Saxon Concepts in Swiss Business Law, in The International Practice of Law, Liber Amicorum für Thomas Bär und Robert Karrer, ed. Nedim Vogt et al., Basel. Frankfurt am Main, 1997, p. 9 – 29


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2.36 Amerikanisierung des schweizerischen Rechts – und ihre Grenzen

Regina Kiener and Raphael Lanz, Amerikanisierung des schweizerischen Rechts – und ihre Grenzen, „Adversarial Legalism“ und schweizerische Rechtsordnung, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, Band 119, 2000, I. Halbband, Heft 2, p. 155-174

A_2.36_Kiener Lanz_Amerikanisierung_ZSR_2000

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2.35 The Role and the Tendencies of Americanization for Legal Systems

Jens Drolshammer, excerpt: The Role and the Tendencies of Americanization for Legal Systems, Legal Professions and Legal Educations in the Area of the International Practice of Law, in The Effects of Globalization on Legal Education, Zürich, 2003, p. 1 – 63; excerpt

A_2.35_DROLSHAMMER_Role and the Tendencies

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2.34 Die Rezeption des amerikanischen Rechts

Wolfgang Wiegand, Die Rezeption des amerikanischen Rechts, in Die schweizerische Rechtsordnung in ihren internationalen Bezügen, Festschrift zum Juristentag 1988, Bern 1988, p. 229-262

A_2.34_WIEGAND_Amerikanischen Rechts

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2.46 Switzerland, International Law and World War II

Detlev Vagts, Editorial Comment, Switzerland, International Law and World War II in American Journal of International Law, 1997, S. 466-475

  A_2.46_VAGTS_Editorial Comment_Switzerland, International Law and WWII_AJIL_1997

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2.30 Staatsideen aus dem “atlantischen” Raum

Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien vom Ende der alten Eidgenossenschaft bis 1848, Bern 1992; exerpt: Staatsideen aus dem „atlantischen“ Raum, p. 919-920

A_2.30_KOLZ_Atlantischen Raum

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2.29 Forderungen nach geschriebener Verfassung

Alfred Kölz, Neuere Schweizerische Verfassungsgeschichte, Ihre Grundlinien vom Ende der alten Eidgenossenschaft bis 1848, Bern 1992; exerpt: 8. Forderungen nach geschriebener Verfassung, Verfassungsänderung und Verfassungsrat, p. 54-57


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2.27 Pennsylvania and Switzerland

William Rappard, Pennsylvania and Switzerland; the Americanization of the Swiss Constitution, 1940 in Varia Politica, publiés ou réinprimés à l occasion du soixant-dixième anniversaire de William E. Rappard, Zurich, 1953 p. 316-338, full text

A_2.27_RAPPARD_Pennsylvania and Switzerland

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2.26 Die Schweiz als ein paradigmatischer Fall politischer Integration

Karl W. Deutsch, Die Schweiz als ein paradigmatischer Fall politischer Integration, Bern, 1976, p. 8-64, geringfügig überarbeitete Abschrift der Tonbandaufzeichnung von Daniel Frei des von Karl Deutsch in deutscher Sprache in der Schweiz gehaltenen Vortrages


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2.17 The Initiative, Referendum and Recall in Switzerland

William E. Rappard, The Initiative, Referendum and Recall in Switzerland, in William E. Rappard: Varia Politica, publiés ou réinprimés à l occasion du soixant-dixième anniversaire de William E. Rappard, Zürich 1953, p. 121-155, full text

A_2.17_RAPPARD_Initiative Referendum and Recall

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2.25 On the subject of M. Cherbuliez book entitled On Democracy in Switzerland

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, edited by J.P Mayer, 1994; excerpt: Appendix II Report given before the Academy of Moral and Political sciences on January 15, 1848 on the subject of M. Cherbuliez book entitled On Democracy in Switzerland, p. 736-749

A_2.25_de TOCQUEVILLE_Democracy in America Appendix II

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2.24 What distinguisches the Federal Constitution of the United States of America from an other Federal Constitution

Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, edited by J.P Mayer, 1994; excerpt: What distinguishes the Federal Constitution of the United States of America from an other Federal Constitution, p. 155-158

A_2.24_de TOCQUEVILLE_Democracy in America What

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2.6 Memorandum on Louisiana Purchase

Albert Gallatin, Memorandum on Louisiana Purchase (1803), in Melvin I. Urofsky/ Paul Finkelman, Documents of American Constitutional History, Volume I, 2002, p. 162-165, excerpt

A_2.6_GALLATIN_Memorandum Louisana

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2.4 The Antifederalist

The Antifederalist, writing by the opponents of the Constitution, ed Herbert J. Storing, Chicago and London 1981, exerpt: a text of 28. March 1788 by a farmer, p. 265-272


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2.3 The Federalist

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, The Federalist/ Papers, exerpt: The Federalist, No. 19: Madison (with the assistance of Alexander Hamilton), Bantan Classic edition, reissue 2003, p. 106-112

A_2.3_HAMILTON_Federalist 19

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2.2 Der Einfluss der Schweiz auf die amerikanische Verfassung von 1787

Paul Widmer, Der Einfluss der Schweiz auf die amerikanische Verfassung von 1787, in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 1988, S.359-389, full text


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Xavier Oberson

Xavier Oberson has been a Professor of Swiss and International Tax Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva since 1995. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Geneva in 1991 and an LL.M at Harvard Law School in 1992. Oberson is the founding and senior partner of the law firm Oberson Avocats in Geneva. The firm is mostly active in the field of taxation, domestic and international.

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Peter Böckli

Peter Böckli, J.S.D. at University of Basel (1960); Bar Exam (1962). He worked as an attorney-at-law at the law firm White & Case in New York and Paris from 1963 to 1966, as a lawyer in Basel from 1966, a partner in the law offices of Böckli Bodmer & Partners (from 1981) with the main focus on company law, capital markets law, Corporate Governance, contracts and corporate taxation.

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Raphael Lanz

Raphael Lanz is the Mayor of the City of Thun in Switzerland. He studied law at the University of Bern and was admitted to the bar of the Canton of Bern in 1995. From 1998 to 1999 with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation he studied at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law. In 1999 he obtained an LL.M with the thesis “Efficient Breach of Contract and Switzerland’s Contract Law”. Lanz obtained his doctoral degree in 2000 with his dissertation “Die wirtschaftliche Betrachtungsweise im schweizerischen Zivilrecht”.

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Regina Kiener

Regina Kiener is a full Professor of Public Law at the University of Zurich. From 1982 to 1989 she studied law at the University of Bern and was admitted to the Bar of the canton of Bern in 1989. She then worked as an attorney, as a scientific assistant at the state chancellery of the Canton of Bern and at the Institute of Public Law at the University of Bern (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zimmerli). She obtained her doctoral degree in 1994 and won the Walter Hug award for outstanding thesis with her dissertation.

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Biographies of authors

Biographies of authors

The biographies of authors are an important feature of Swiss legal culture, as represented in this primarily text based anthology. They are an essential and integral supplement to the texts.

The sources of the biographies are identified at the end of the text. Some biographies have been penned by the authors.

4.1      James Hutson
4.2      Paul Widmer
4.3      Alexander Hamilton
4.4      James Madison
4.5      John Jay
4.6      Gordon A. Craig
4.7      Albert Gallatin
4.8      Johann August Sutter
4.9      Blaise Cendrars
4.10    Stefan Zweig
4.11    Heinz K. Meier
4.12    Raymond Probst
4.13    Alan Dershowitz
4.14    William Rappard
4.15    Louis Menand
4.16    Stephen Jay Gould
4.17    Alexis de Tocqueville
4.18    Karl W. Deutsch
4.19    Alfred Kölz
4.20    Johann Jakob Rüttimann
4.21    Emilie Kempin-Spyri
4.22    Evelyn Hasler
4.23    Wolfgang Wiegand
4.24    Jens Drolshammer
4.25    Regina Kiener
4.26    Raphael Lanz
4.27    Peter Böckli
4.28    Heinrich Koller
4.29    Heinz Aernisegger
4.30    Peter Nobel
4.31    Peter Saladin
4.32    Daniel Frei
4.33    Thomas Cottier
4.34    Dietrich Schindler junior
4.35    Detlev Vagts
4.36    Stuart Eizenstat
4.37    Thomas Maissen
4.38    René Matteotti
4.39    Xavier Oberson
4.40    Nedim Vogt
4.41    Arthur T. van Mehren
4.42    Peter Murray

© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,

2.12 Wird die Globalisierung selbst zu einem Forschungsfeld?

Jens Drolshammer, Wird die Globalisierung selbst zu einem Forschungsfeld?, in Verlangt die Globalisierung eine Neuausrichtung der Forschung? Beispiele von Forschungsfelder Recht und Management aus Sicht des Internationalen Lawyers, p. 432 – 437; In Jens Drolshammer A Timely Turn to the International Lawyer? – Globalisierung und die Anglo-Amerikanisierung von Recht und Rechtsberufen – Essays. Zürich/St. Gallen, 2009. (partially in German)

  Drolshammer – Globalisierung als Forschungsfeld

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2.19 Solving for Interop

John Palfrey and Urs Gasser, excerpts: Solving for Interop, Architectures of the Future: Building a Better World and Conclusion: The Pay off of Interop as Theory, in Interop: The Promise and Perils of Higly Interconnected Systems, New York 2012, p. 231-262


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2.18 Information Law: From Discipline to Method

Herbert Burkert, Information Law: From Discipline to Method (February 28, 2014). Berkman Center Research Publication No. 2014-5; U. of St. Gallen Law & Economics Working Paper No. 2014-02. Available at SSRN: or

Burkert – From Discipline to Method

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2.17 Das Verhältnis von Information und Recht

Jean Nicolas Druey, Das Verhältnis von Information und Recht, excerpt: 1. Teil, 2. Kapitel in Information als Gegenstand des Rechts, Zürich/ Baden-Baden 1995, 437-444

  G_2.17_DRUEY_Verhältnis Information Recht

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2.16 Globalisierung und Internationalisierung des Wirtschaftsrechts

Heinrich Koller, Globalisierung und Internationalisierung des Wirtschaftsrechts – Auswirkung auf die nationale Gesetzgebung, Referate und Mitteilungen des schweizerischen Juristen Vereins, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2000, p. 113 ff.


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2.15 A College of International Lawyers in a Networked Society?

Jens Drolshammer, A College of International Lawyers in a Networked Society? The Need for Conceptualisation of the New International Lawyer from a Global Perspective, in Jens Drolshammer, A timely Turn to the Lawyer? – Globalisierung und die Anglo-Amerikanisierung von Recht und Rechtsberufen – Essays, Zürich / Baden-Baden, 2009 p. 601-632; first published in Reflections on the International Practice of Law, Liber Amicorum for 35th Anniversary of Bär & Karrer, 2004

  G_2.15_DROLSHAMMER_College of International Lawyers

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2.14 The Education and Training of a New International Lawyer

Peter L. Murray /Jens Drolshammer , The Education and Training of a New International Lawyer, in the Internationalization of the Practice of Law, Jens Drolshammer/Michael Pfeifer ed., The Hague, London/Boston, 2001, p. 289-328

 G_2.14_MURRAY_The Education and Training of a new International Lawyer

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2.11 The Constitutionalism of International Economic Law

Thomas Cottier, The Constitutionalism of International Economic Law, in: Meesen, Karl M. (ed., in cooperation with Marc Bungenberg and Adelheid Puttler), Economic Law as an Economic Good, Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems, München 2009, p. 317-333

G_2.11_COTTIER_Constitutionalism of International Economic Law_in Meessen_2009

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2.10 Das Recht in der Globalisierung

Hans-Ueli Vogt, § 7 Das Recht in der Globalisierung, excerpt: in Konvergenz von Gesellschaftsrechten, ein rechtsvergleichender Befund und seine rechtssoziologische und rechtstheoretische Erklärung im Lichte der Globalisierung, Zürich/St. Gallen 2012, p- 282-308

G_2.10_VOGT_Das Recht in der Globalisierung

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2.20 The Impact from Without: International Law and the Structure of Federal Government in Switzerland

Thomas Cottier, “The Impact from Without: International Law and the Structure of Federal Government in Switzerland”, in Peter Knoepfel, Wolf Linder (Hrsg.), Verwaltung Regierung und Verfassung im Wandel, Gedächtnisschrift für R. Germann, Basel, Genf, München, 2000, S. 213-230, reprinted in Thomas Cottier, The Challenge of WTO Law, Collected Essays, London, p. 371-390, 2007.

  G_2.20_COTTIER_Impact from Without

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2.8 Die Globalisierung des Rechts – Herausforderungen für die Praxis

Thomas Cottier, Die Globalisierung des Rechts – Herausforderungen für Praxis, Ausbildung und Forschung, Zeitschrift des Bernischen Juristenvereins, 1997 p. 217 ff.

  G_2.8_COTTIER_Globalisierung des Rechts_Bernischer Juristenverein_1997

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2.7/2.20 «Good offices» in the light of Swiss international practice and experience

Raymond R. Probst, “Good offices” ; in the light of Swiss international practice and experience, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1989 ; excerpt : Chapter III, “Good offices”: The Swiss experience, p. 17-70

  G_2.7_PROBST_Good Offices

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2.6 Swiss Economic Law Facing the challenges of International and European Law

Carl Baudenbacher, Swiss Economic Law Facing the Challenges of International and European Law, excerpt G: Contributions of Swiss Law to Foreign, International and European Law, in Schweizerischer Juristentag 2012, Das Schweizerische Recht vor der Herausforderung des internationalen Rechts, Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, 2012, Heft 2, p. 646-660

 G_2.6_BAUDENBACHER_Swiss Economic Law

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English as the Language of Law?

2.3 / 2.54    Jens Drolshammer/Nedim Vogt, English as the Language of Law?, An Essay on the Legal Lingua Franca of a Shrinking World, Zürich, Basle, Geneva, 2003, p. 1 – 59, with an extensive bibliography, further reading and references, p. 61 – 95

a) Background

The text at hand is an essay in the form of a short book. It contains an extensive bibliography for further references. In the introduction the authors state that for years there has been an intriguing tendency in many aspects of today’s worldwide legal profession towards an ever-increasing Anglo-Saxon influence as well as a growing trend of Americanization. This is of course particularly the case concerning European legal professionals and academics. However, it is not just this un-European process of “Anglification”, but also the growing American dominance and pre-eminence of the Anglo-American culture that lawyers in the international practice of law have to deal with, exposed as they are to the challenges of these new realities and the internationalization of the practice of law in their day-to-day professional lives.

The function of professional legal English has fundamentally changed in recent years: English has become the legal field’s lingua franca. This new reality has not only had a great impact on all legal professionals within a particular jurisdiction but also on the jurisdiction of its legal system itself. Very little is known about the “travels” and the mechanics and the wide impact of these new realities, particularly if one considers its enormous significance. In a changing world, there will be a need for new awareness and new strategies in the area of legal education, legal research, legal scholarship and the international legal professions. The ever-growing importance of the English language increasingly affects our society. This of course must also be seen in the context of many initiatives to deal with the larger issues of the function of the English language in our society, our daily life and the education of our children – English being presently the strongest network of the “brave new world” of Americanization as well as of Globalization.

The authors make the following suggestions and proposals for the multidimensional task of coping with the new realities of legal English. The authors favour an issue-driven and topical approach. The authors do not claim to have embarked on an academic adventure in the traditional sense. Many of the statements are based on observations and experiences, not on survey and research. The essay is meant to serve as a quarry to provide building blocks, gravel and sand for further discourse or analysis. It is inspired by the following working hypothesis: Law follows language and language often carries the law: Now is the age of Anglo-American Law and of English as the language of law.

Jens Drolshammer is an emeritus Professor of Law at the University of St. Gallen and a former founding and senior partner of an international commercial law firm in Zurich. He practiced internationally for many years dealing with issues of American law and legal culture. He has co-created at the University of St. Gallen a post-graduate masters program in European and international business law. In the past 15 years, he has focused his research activities and writing on the effects of globalization and americanization on law and – in particular – on legal professions. He has worked in that context from 1999 to 2008 seven times in the fall term as a Swiss visiting research professor at the Center for European Law Research at Harvard Law School, developing a new personalistic approach in analyzing effects of globalization, which lead to the publication of twenty essays in A Timely Turn to the Lawyer? – Globalization and the Americanization of Law and Legal Professions – Essays (2009).

Nedim Vogt has been a senior partner of a large commercial law firm in Zurich until 2010. He has an international education: he studied at Harvard Law School and worked for two years as a lawyer in a law firm in New York. He has been a well-known teacher of law at the University of Zurich from 1989 to 2011. He is the author, co-author and editor of numerous books and articles on trusts and inheritance law as well as on contracts and civil procedure. He is also the co-editor of a new series of commentaries on Swiss law.

Vogt and Drolshammer have been professional and personal friends for many years. They have embarked on several projects on the internationalization of the legal profession as well as on the role of language in law and on legal professions in general such as Swiss Law Bibliography, English Language Materials on Swiss Law (2005) and the text at hand, English as the Language of Law, an Essay on the Lingua Franca of a Shrinking World (2003). This essay was volume one of a once-planned series called Transatlantica – culture, language and law in a Transatlantic Context. This project, despite its prominent international advisory board for commercial reasons, did not succeed.

b) Summary

The text situates the issue in the Internationalization of Practice of Law as an example and highlights the importance of English as a legal language. The text analyses the current use of the English legal language by the legal professions. It particularly highlights the international impact of Swiss law as well. It describes the relevance of legal English for Switzerland as a reality for the legal professions and identifies “potentials” and “constraints” of the use of English as a legal language in Switzerland. The text postulates elements of a strategy to deal with English as a language of law in general as well as the particular needs for a strategy in the area of legal education and legal research, legal professions and legal professional associations. The text then turns to further challenges in an age of globalization behind the lines, in view of the under researched issues of law of the interdependence and interlinking of the dimension of law and the dimension of communication in a globalised legal world in the information age.

The text deals with issues such as: Defending Europe: The Necessity of Communication in English, which states that it will become increasingly important for non-English speakers and for non-Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions to be able to communicate their own values and concepts of legal systems, professions and education in English in order to make themselves heard and understood by the English-speaking community. The form of international oriented self-defence or self-assurance will be an important and considerable challenge in the near future. The text ends with a call for further action from a trans-Atlantic perspective.

The book cites a quotation of George Steiner from his seminal essay: “After Babel, Aspects of Language and Translation” at the very end, which strikes yet a more subtle chord: “Both in 1975 and 1992, I sought to conjecture as to the polyglot future in the face of the global detergence by an Anglo-American Esperanto, itself splitting into more local though cognate forms. Thus one is tempted to suppose that the triumphalism of science, of technocracy, of international finance and the mass-market media will assure the long-term hegemony of Anglo-American (computer languages reflect and enforce this prepotence). Reality, however, is always subtler and more ironic than our suppositions. It may well be that the Tower of Babel will continue to cast its creative shadow.”

c) Text

You can find a scan (PDF) of the original text here:
A_2.54_DROLSHAMMER_English as the Language of Law

© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,

Biographies of authors

Biographies of authors

The biographies of authors are an important feature of Swiss legal culture, as represented in this primarily text based anthology. They are an essential and integral supplement to the texts.

The sources of the biographies are identified at the end of the text. Some biographies have been penned by the authors.

5.1    Pierre Tercier
5.2    Max Rheinstein
5.3    Jens Drolshammer
5.4    Nedim Vogt
5.5    Marc Blessing
5.6    Peter Nobel
5.7    Carl Baudenbacher
5.8    Raymond R. Probst
5.9    Thomas Cottier
5.10  Hans-Ueli Vogt
5.11  Peter L. Murray
5.12  Heinrich Koller
5.13  Jean Nicolas Druey
5.14  Herbert Burkert
5.15  John Palfrey
5.16  Urs Gasser
5.17  Daniel Thürer


© Prof. Jens Drolshammer,,

Biographies of authors

The biographies of authors are an important feature of Swiss legal culture, as represented in this primarily text based anthology. They are an essential and integral supplement to the texts.

The sources of the biographies are identified at the end of the text. Some of the biographies have been penned by the authors.

Georges Abi-Saab

Thomas Bernauer

Samantha Besson

Rudolf Bindschedler

Johann Caspar Bluntschli

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes

Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui

Lucius Caflisch

Thomas Cottier

Henry Dunant

Max Huber

Robert Kolb

 Emer De Vattel

Paul Guggenheim

Joseph Hornung

Antoine-Henri Jomini

Walter Kälin

Petros Mavroidis

Nicolas Michel

Hans Morgenthau 

Gustave Moynier

Jörg Paul Müller

Otfried Nippold

Anne Peters

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann

Mark Pieth

Maya Hertig Randall

William Rappard

Georges Sauser-Hall

Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer

Dietrich Schindler

Daniel Thürer

Detlev Vagts

Luzius Wildhaber

Jean Ziegler

2.12 Ausschnitte aus Bericht über die Stellung der Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess

Ausschnitte aus Bericht über die Stellung der Schweiz im europäischen Integrationsprozess vom 24. August 1988, BBL 1988 III, 131-132, Aussenpolitischer Bericht 2000, BBL. Nr. 6/2001, 261, Europabericht 2006 vom 28. Juni 2006, BBL. Nr. 35/2005, 6815 ff.

  E_2.12_BBL 1988 III, 131-2

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