Category Archives: b) Impacts and radiation before and after the Civil War on the legal culture of the United States


Johann August Sutter, District Court, N.D. California, UNITED STATES V: SUTTER; June 10th 1861 (Westlaw, Hoff. Dec. 27, 27FOO8.1368 and Supreme Court of the United States No. 258, The United States, Appellants vs John A. Sutter – Appeal from the District Court U.S. for the Northern District of California (Westlaw.69US.562.1864WL6589 (U.S.Cal.)

 A_2.8_Sutter Supreme Court

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2.9 Memoirs of Johann August Sutter

Johann August Sutter, excerpts, Die Besitznahme des Landes durch die Vereinigten Staaten, Der Bau der Mühlen und die Entdeckung des Goldes, Das Goldfieber, Der Zusammenbruch, in Neu-Helvetien, Lebenserinnerungen des Generals Johann August Sutter, transcribed and edited by Erwin E. Gudde, Frauenfeld und Leipzig, 1934, p.83-110

A_2.9_SUTTER_Besitznahme des Landes

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2.10 The Marvellous History of General Johann August Sutter

Blaise Cendrars, in Gold: The Marvellous History of General John August Sutter,  chapters 6, para 25, and chapters 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 1925, translated from the French, L’Or, ou la merveilleuse histoire du Genéral Johann August Sutter, Edition Denoel, Paris, 1947, 1961, 2001, translation first published 1982, p. 71 – 128

A_2.10_CENDRARS_Marvellous History

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2.11 The Discovery of Eldorado

Stefan Zweig, The Discovery of Eldorado – J. A. Sutter, California, January 1848, in Decisive Moments in History, Twelve Historical Miniatures, Arachne Press, 1999, german original text first published in Leipzig 1927, Die Entdeckung Eldorados – J. A. Sutter, Kalifornien, Januar 1848 in Sternstunden der Menschheit, Leipzig 1927, first published as “Film eines phantastischen Lebens“ Johann August Sutter on April 25th 1926 in the Neue Freie Presse, Vienna

A_2.11_ZWEIG_Discovery of Eldorado

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2.12 Swiss and the American Civil War

James Hutson, Swiss and the American Civil War, excerpt, in The Sister Republics, Switzerland and the United States from 1776 to the Present, Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1991, p. 42 – 50

A_2.12_HUTSON_Swiss and American Civil War

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2.13 The Period of the Civil War

Heinz K. Meier, The Period of the Civil War, excerpt, in The United States and Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century, The Hague, 1963, p.70-91

A_2.13_MEIER_Period of the Civil War

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2.14 The Civil War and the Trial of Captain Henry Wirz in America

Alan Dershowitz, excerpts, Introduction Part V, The Civil War, and The Trial of Captain Henry Wirz in America on Trial, Inside the Legal Battles that Transformed our Nation, New York, Boston, 2004, p.133 – 138 and p. 146 – 151

A_2.14_DERSHOWITZ_America on trial

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2.15 The Court Martial of Henri Wirz

The Court Martial of Henri Wirz – General Court Martial orders No 607 – Executive Mansion November 3, 1865 – Court Martial of Henri Wirz Charges and Specifications (  argesand-specifictions/htm) – Finding of the Court ( – ( wirzcourtmartial)

A_2.15_Court Martial of Henry Wirz – Charges and Specifications

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