Peter Forstmoser

Born: 1943Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-14 um 11.12.07

Nationality: Swiss

Education and professional activities:

Professor Dr. Peter Forstmoser studied law at the University of Zurich, where he completed his Doctorate and his Habilitation. He became an attorney-at-law in 1971 and received a Master’s Degree in law from Harvard Law School in 1972. From 1974 to 2008, Professor Forstmoser was a law professor at the University of Zurich, where he is now an Professor Emeritus. He is also an honorary professor at the Beijing Normal University.

Since 1975, Professor has been a partner of Niederer Kraft & Frey AG, Attorneys, in Zurich. In the context of corporate and investment fund legislation, he has been engaged in numerous expert committees, some of which he has presided over as chairman. Professor Forstmoser has served on many boards. He is presently chairman of Leonteq AG and a member of the boards of two companies, Mikron Holding AG, Biel and PSP Swiss Property AG, Zug. He has also served as chairman of Hesta AG, Zug and was a member of the board of Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Zurich (Swiss Re), where he also served as chairman.
Since 2011, Professor Forstmoser has been a member of AFIAA Swiss Foundation for International Estate Investments.

List of publications:

Das neue schweizerische Insider-Recht, Schriftenreihe der Bank Vontobel, Zurich 1988.

Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft (co-authored by W. R. Schluep), Volume I: Einführung in das Recht, Bern 1992.

Organisation und Organisationsreglement nach neuem Aktienrecht, SnA 2, Zurich 1992.

Grundriss des schweizerischen Gesellschaftsrechts (co-authored by A. Meier-Hayoz), 7th ed., Bern 1993.

Persönliche Haftungsrisiken nach neuem Aktienrecht (co-authored by M. A. Frey, T. Sprecher and A. C. Limburg), Niederer Kraft & Frey-Series Volume 3, Zurich 1994.

Schweizerisches Aktienrecht (co-authored by A. Meier-Hayoz and P. Nobel), Bern 1996.

Reform des GmbH-Rechts, Expertenentwurf vom 29. November 1996 für eine Reform des Rechts der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (co-authored by t P. Böckli and J.-M. Rapp), Zurich 1997.

Das revidierte schweizerische Anlagefondsrecht, Niederer Kraft & Frey-Series Volume 4, Zurich 1997.

Die Verantwortlichkeit des Revisors nach Aktienrecht, insbesondere Kausalität, Schadenersatzbemessung und Haftung gegenüber Investoren und Kreditgebern, Series of the Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary Volume 151, Zurich 1997.

Die schweizerische GmbH – gestern, heute und morgen, Niederer Kraft & Frey-Series Volume 8, Zurich 2000.

Der Staat als Aktionär, Haftungsrechtliche Risiken der Vertretung des Staates im Verwaltungsrat von Aktiengesellschaften (co-authored by T. Jaag), SnA 15, Zurich 2000.

Corporate Governance, Regeln guter Unternehmensführung in der Schweiz, Niederer Kraft & Frey-Series Volume 10, Zurich 2002.

Persönliche Haftung nach Schweizer Aktienrecht / Personal Liability according to Swiss Corporate Law (co-authored by T. Sprecher and G. A. Töndury), Zurich 2005.

Das neue Recht der GmbH, Einführung und synoptische Darstellung (co-authored by P. R. Peyer and B. Schott), Zurich 2006.

Organisation und Organisationsreglement der Aktiengesellschaft, Rechtliche Ordnung und Umsetzung in der Praxis (in collaboration with Attorneys of Niederer Kraft & Frey), Zurich 2011.

Schweizerisches Gesellschaftsrecht, 2012.

Einführung in das Recht (co-authored by H.-U. Vogt), 5th ed., Bern 2012.