Susanne Leuzinger (born 1949) studied law at the University of Zurich (licentiate 1972, doctorate 1994) and was admitted to the bar of the canton of Zurich in 1974. After 20 years as an attorney in Zurich and specializing in insurance and liability law, in particular social security law, she was part-time president of the newly created Federal Appeals Commission for Accident Insurance from 1994 to 1996 (which was absorbed into the newly created Federal Administrative Court in 2007), and judge at the newly created Social Security Court of the canton of Zurich from 1995 to 1996. In 1996, she was appointed as a federal judge at the Federal Insurance Court (organizationally independent social security division of the Federal Supreme Court).
In 2006 she was its last president before the Swiss Federal Insurance Court merged with the Federal Supreme Court. From 2007 – 2010 she was Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court and resigned as a federal judge in 2015. Since 2020 she has chaired the Swiss section of the International Commission of Jurists, which promotes the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Select publications:
Kommentar Allgemeiner Teil Sozialversicherungsrecht (Mitherausgeberin, 2020); Kommentar Unfallversicherungsgesetz (Mitherausgeberin, 2019); Die Errichtung des Eidgenössischen Versicherungsgerichts vor 100 Jahren und die Entwicklung der Verwaltungsrechtspflege im Bund (2017); Soziale Sicherheit und ihre Rechtswege (2014); Hinweise des Bundesgerichts an den Gesetzgeber (2013); Tragweite des Rechts auf Achtung des Privat- und Familienlebens (Art. 8 EMRK) und auf Eheschliessung (Art. 12 EMRK) im schweizerischen Sozialversicherungsrecht (2011); Sozialversicherungsgerichtsbarkeit und Personenfreizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz – EG (2003); Flexibilisierte Arbeitsverhältnisse im Sozialversicherungsrecht (1996/1998); Heutige Mängel der beruflichen Vorsorge (insbesondere BVG) im Hinblick auf die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann (1988)
Sources:; swisscovery – susanne leuzinger (