Dietrich Schindler Junior

Dietrich Schindler Junior was born on the 22nd December 1924 in Zurich. He is a Swiss lawyer, who particularly excelled in humanitarian international public law, human rights, neutrality policy and federalism.  From 1964 to 1989 he was a Professor for International Law and Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich.

Schindler studied at the Universities of Zurich, Paris, Geneva and Harvard. He finished his studies in 1950 with a doctorate at the University of Zurich where he also was habilitated in 1957. From 1956 to 1964 he was Privatdozent, during that time from 1957 to 1958 as chargé de cours at the University of Bonn and from 1961 to 1962 as visiting professor at the Michigan Law School. In 1964 he was named an extraordinary and four years later an ordinary Professor for International and Constitutional Law, a position he held until his emiritation in 1989.

From 1961 to 1973 and from 1980 to 1984 Dietrich Schindler was a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (IKRK) to which he was later named an honorary member. In 1962 he worked as a consultant in constitutional questions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since 1967 he is a member of the Institute de Droit international. Since 1977 he was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. Among others from 1986 to 1988 he was a member of Court of arbitration, to mediate the conflict between Egypt and Israel concerning the city of Taba. From 1967 to 1979 he was teaching at The Hague Academy for International Public Law. In 1993 Schindler was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Basel. Publications (selection): Gleichberechtigung von Individuen als Problem des Völkerrechts. Habilitationsschrift, Zürich 1957, Schweizerische Eigenheiten in der Staatslehre. Zürich 1975, Dokumente zur schweizerischen Neutralität seit 1945. Berichte und Stellungsnahmen der schweizerischen Bundesbehörden zu Fragen der Neutralität 1945–1983. Bern 1984, Die Grenzen des völkerrechtlichen Gewaltverbots. Heidelberg 1986, Die Europaverträglichkeit des Schweizerischen Rechts. Zürich 1990 (als Mitherausgeber), Auswirkungen der EG auf die schweizerische Staatsstruktur. Zürich 1990

Weblinks: Literatur von und über Dietrich Schindler Junior im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek:

References:; translated into English.